The benefits of growing food in school gardens have the potential to extend far beyond the classroom.
Food Tank’s Winter 2023 Reading List
Covering topics from Indigenous knowledge systems to the impact of the climate crisis on the wine industry, these 20 books will carry readers through the winter.
FDA Aims to ‘Improve Diet, Reduce Chronic Disease’ by Updating Healthy Claims on Food Labels
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is proposing to make healthy label claims more aligned with updated nutrition advice.
Black-led Food Co-ops Restore Justice, Hope, and Power
Co-ops can serve as one tool for Black communities address systemic inequalities in the food system.
Is Corporate Consolidation Leading to Higher Egg Prices?
Between December 2021 and December 2022, the cost of eggs more than doubled.
You Can’t Improve What You Don’t Measure: The Data Shaping U.S. Food Systems
Data from the USDA’s Census of Agriculture influences decisions that will shape the future of food and farming systems in the United States.
Can Corporate Accountability Drive Climate Action?
The World Business Council for Sustainable Development wants to help companies develop shared metrics and objectives to drive positive food systems transformation.
Eating for Change: WWF and Partners Host Gatherings in Support of Food Systems Collaborations at UN Climate COP27, Egypt & Biodiversity COP15, Canada
Taking place during global conferences, the Eat4Change dinners encourage stakeholder collaboration and dialogue.
World Economic Forum’s Davos Conference Talks Food Systems
Speakers addressed rural food systems, regenerative agriculture, and the future of agri-food tech during Davos 2023.
Looming Cuts to SNAP by New Congress
Some SNAP recipients are expected to see their benefits fall from US$281 to US$23 per month.
Collective Action for Brazil’s Food Delivery Worker Rights
Without adequate protections, the health and wellbeing of food delivery workers in Brazil are at stake.
Facilitating Equitable Farmland Access
Individuals and communities are working to transform relationships to land and address systemic barriers to farmland access and management.
Study Finds Local Foods are the Key to Nutrition in Ethiopia
In Ethiopia local resources offer a holistic solution to address nutrient deficiencies in children.
Healthier Oysters, Healthier Chesapeake Bay
As filter feeders, oysters help remove nutrients from the Bay and keep harmful algae blooms in check. A healthy fishery is an indicator of a healthy Chesapeake Bay.
Bringing Regenerative Agriculture Back to Indigenous Communities
By offering support and knowledge to Indigenous communities, the organization K’allam’p is working to inspire resilient food systems while strengthening the sovereignty of the Andean people of Ecuador. K’allam’p (pronounced ka-jahm-pah) aims to promote regenerative, holistic land management as well…
Is Recycling Urine the Secret to Building Sustainable Food Systems?
Through urine recycling, the Rich Earth Institute wants to provide farmers with an alternative to synthetic fertilizers and protect the environment.