
Farming Communities Around the World Hold The Key to Food System Resilience

With climate change posing a major threat to agriculture, scientists and farming communities are working to conserve the genetic diversity of crops for food systems resilience.

Spore and Seed Wants to Do Farming Right

A woman-owned farm in Maryland is working to grow flowers and mushrooms in a way that honors the earth.

For a Sustainable Hog Farmer, “There’s Not One Right Way of Farming”

This family farmer believes that all farms can work on implementing practices that support healthy environments.

USDA Announces US$3 Billion Investment to Address the Most Pressing Challenges in the Food System

The package will address drought resiliency, animal health, nutrition, and more.

Latin American Banana Production Faces Threats from Disease

The presence of TR4, the banana fruit’s deadliest disease, threatens banana production in Latin America.

Collaborative Farmer Research Networks Can Help Us Fix Global Food Systems

Farmer research networks are key to building a more relevant and inclusive food systems.

Social Movements And Scientists Are Challenging the UN Food Systems Summit’s Agenda

Civil society organizations, scientists and Indigenous peoples are taking a stand against UN Food Systems Summit’s agenda.

Irrigating Crops with Wastewater May be the Future of Farming

By using recycled wastewater as irrigation in agriculture, some farmers are hoping to mitigate the pressures of worsening droughts.

Major U.S. Grocery Stores Step Up to Save the Bees, But Are They Doing Enough?

Some of the largest U.S. grocery stores are stepping up and taking action to protect bees from toxic pesticides.

Recent Report Exposes the Hidden Costs of Food in the U.S.

According to a recent report by the Rockefeller Foundation, the true cost of food in the U.S. is three times what Americans are currently spending on food.

Africans Publicly Challenge Green Revolution Backers

Africa’s largest civil society network and its allies are calling on investors to stop funding programs that promote an extractive model agriculture in Africa.

Are Young People Really Eating Less Meat?

Young people are buying and eating more meat than older generations, according to new research from the World Resources Institute.

Why Are Diets and Biodiversity Linked?

Building more healthy, sustainable, and resilient food systems is central to reversing biodiversity loss, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and ensuring food security for everyone.

20 Youth Organizations Transforming Food Systems

This International Youth Day, celebrate these youth-led organizations fighting for the future of food.

Swette Center Report Calls on Biden-Harris Administration to Prioritize Organic Agriculture

New Swette Center report makes 46 recommendations for the Biden-Harris Administration to advance organic agriculture as part of its Build Back Better initiative.

African Faith Leaders Call on The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to Drop African Green Revolution

An alliance of African faith leaders outline the harmful effects of high input Green Revolution programs, like the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)

Fighting Climate Change With Food

Learn more about local and global actions you can take to lead a more climate-friendly lifestyle.

Dutch Artist Highlights the Beauty of Agriculture

Daan Roosegaarde’s installation uses UV light technology to inspire an appreciation of the agricultural system.

How a Small California Farm and Tribal Nation are Working Together to Become Part of the Solution to Climate Change

The carbon farming practices sequester carbon, promote soil health, increase biodiversity, and build land resilience.

Calling All Storytellers Passionate About Food and Climate Action

25 Storytellers will advance to The Lexicon Total Storytelling Masterclass and learn how to produce location-based stories of agrobiodiversity for the initiative.

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