BCFN Alumni Emanuela Pille da Silva and Anabel González Hernández are using soil microbes and plant microorganisms to monitor and aid the recovery of degraded lands.
More Investment in Small-Scale Agriculture Needed
A new report by international network More and Better provides an overview of global investments in agriculture, stating that more investment in sustainable small-scale agriculture in needed.
Biodiversity for Resilience Against Natural Disasters
As climate shocks increase in frequency and intensity, agricultural biodiversity—the variety of species of plants, animals, and microorganisms used for agriculture and food production—is an increasingly important part of resilience building.
Celebrating 30 Years of Agricultural Innovation
The West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development (CORAF) is Africa’s largest sub-regional research organization working to create long-term, sustainable improvements in agriculture and eliminate food insecurity in West Africa.
Netflix Reveals Rotten Truths of Industrial Food Industry
New Netflix true-crime documentary series Rotten exposes the corruption and controversies that underlie the global food and agriculture industry.
Sustainable Forests for Food Security and Nutrition
Forests represent far more than natural resources and goods: they are part of human culture, identity, knowledge, and history, and for those who live in and near to them, they are central to their lives.
Food Tank’s Reading List: 22 Books for Winter 2018
Spanning an array of topics, such as land and culinary justice, the rise of the organic food movement, and immigrant and transnational cuisine, Food Tank’s Winter Reading List will help fuel your passion for sustainable food.
To Save Family Farms, We Must Oppose Monsanto-Bayer Merger
The pending Monstanto-Bayer merger will increasingly limit farmers choices while increasing the price of required agricultural inputs. Congressional candidate Austin Frerick is out to right this wrong, restore competition within the market, and save family farms.
Robotics and Automation Are Transforming Food System Labor
From seed to table, a revolution in technology that prioritizes robotics and automation is on the cusp of transforming what the work required to produce, transport, sell, and serve food looks like.
Going Beyond Organic with Vertical Hydroponic Farming
Sonia Lo of Crop One Holding discusses the beginnings of the vertical farming company,its goals, its future, and its ‘Beyond Organic’ label.
2017 Round of Global Climate Change Talks Sees First-Ever Progress on Agriculture
For the first time in the 25-year history of international climate negotiations, the 197 member countries of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) have reached an agreement on agriculture. The milestone came near the close of the 23rd Conference of Parties (COP23) of the UNFCCC and formally establishes a process called the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture.
Building a Sustainable Food Future in Santee Sioux Nation
New research by the Center for Rural Affairs explores how the Santee Sioux people wish to rebuild a sovereign food system and build a healthier and more resilient Nation.
A Year in Review: 2017 Food and Agriculture News
We witnessed a monumental shift in global politics, a series of natural disasters, and indications of growing malnutrition and obesity. And yet the signs of a growing movement for food security, justice, and sustainability are everywhere.
Future-Focused Policies Target Desertification
This year’s Future Policy Award, a joint initiative between the World Future Council and U.N. Convention on Combating Desertification, is honoring the world’s best policy solutions combating desertification and land degradation.
How Tucson’s Edible Biodiversity is Increasing Food Security
A new study by the University of Arizona Center for Regional Food Studies reveals that Tucson, Arizona, in one of the top U.S. cities and an international leader in conserving and providing access to food biodiversity.
Kale vs. Cow: New Film Explores Benefits of Better Meat
Filmmaker, dietitian, and sustainability advocate Diana Rodgers spoke with Food Tank about her work as a champion for better meat and her new documentary Kale vs. Cow.