
Building Resilience in West and Central Africa: How CORAF Supports the Co-Creation of Local Solutions

CORAF works directly with farmers to develop solutions, enabling communities to own the process and the results.

IPCC Synthesis Report: A Final Alarm For Climate, A Final Alarm For Food Systems

The IPCC Synthesis Report notes that incorporating knowledge from Indigenous Peoples and local communities is essential to ensuring locally appropriate, socially acceptable solutions.

Triumph Over Apple Scab: University of Minnesota Releases Apple Variety Resistant to Fungal Disease

After 30 years of research and development, Triumph is a “triumph over apple scab,” with benefits for the environment, growers, and consumers.

You Can’t Improve What You Don’t Measure: The Data Shaping U.S. Food Systems

Data from the USDA’s Census of Agriculture influences decisions that will shape the future of food and farming systems in the United States.

Facilitating Equitable Farmland Access

Individuals and communities are working to transform relationships to land and address systemic barriers to farmland access and management.

Bringing Regenerative Agriculture Back to Indigenous Communities

By offering support and knowledge to Indigenous communities, the organization K’allam’p is working to inspire resilient food systems while strengthening the sovereignty of the Andean people of Ecuador. K’allam’p (pronounced ka-jahm-pah) aims to promote regenerative, holistic land management as well…

Why Cover Crops Are the Solution to Rapid Soil Degradation

About a third of arable land is now moderately to severely degraded, but cover crops offer a potential solution.

What Will Be the Legacy of Today’s Young Farmer Advocates?

Young farmer are advocating for changes that will allow them to develop resilient regional food systems that benefit people and the land.

Diversified Pastured Poultry Models Can Reduce Risk of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

Shifting away from an industrialized model of poultry production can help reduce the risk of disease and protect animals.

A Network for Independent Family Farmers: “It’s Like a Family”

Niman Ranch’s network allows farmers to maintain their independence while receiving critical resources and support.

Op-Ed: Soil Connects Us to the Earth

Soils are living, biodiverse ecosystems, home to microscopic organisms that fix nitrogen and break down organic materials.

Rockefeller Foundation Announces Farmer-Led, Regenerative Agriculture Grants

The grants will go toward promoting Indigenous and regenerative agriculture. 

Climate Conference Strengthens Agribusiness Support, Leaves Small-Scale Farmers Behind

Advocates worry that initiatives from COP27 are doing more to support industrial agriculture, which will only worsen the climate crisis.

Current Laws Fail to Protect Farm Workers from Pesticides

A recent report shows that farm workers are at risk of exposure to harmful pesticides due to failed enforcement of federal and state laws.

Film Series Says Out with Industrial Agriculture, in with Agroecology in Africa

The benefits of agroecology are backed by scientific evidence, but a recent film shows philanthropists continue to fund industrialized agriculture.

Food as Healing: Nurturing Ourselves and Land Through Food

FromSoil2Soul is helping people experience nature’s remedial effects while healing both themselves and the earth.

A Model for Bold Agricultural Transformation in Kenya

A coalition in West Pokot County, Kenya, hopes to serve as a model for community-led food systems transformation in other countries.

Identifying a Food Future that Preserves Biodiversity

Alternative proteins can be produced at scale and have the potential to reduce demand for conventional meat. But are they the answer to preserving biodiversity?

SDG2 Advocacy Hub Launches Two Anti-Hunger Campaigns at COP27

Advocates say that urgent reform is needed to address the global hunger and climate crises. Two campaigns launched at COP27 outline important interventions.

Maryland Creates Opportunities for Food Insecure Cities

The Maryland Department of Agriculture’s new bill for water and power infrastructure upgrades will distribute up to US$500,000 per year to nonprofits and urban farmers.

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