Policy and Organizing

Food Hero: Eric Holt-Giménez and the Campesino a Campesino Movement

Eric Holt-Giménez is the Executive Director of Food First/Institute for Food and Development Policy.

Six Awesome Food Organizations in Arizona

Arizona has six top organizations named in the James Beard Foundation and Food Tank’s just released 2014 Good Food Org Guide.

Five Awesome Food Organizations in Alaska

Alaska has five top organizations named in the James Beard Foundation and Food Tank’s just released 2014 Good Food Org Guide.

Promoting Urban Agriculture is Policy in San Francisco

San Francisco leads in urban agriculture by providing a pathway to property tax reductions for urban growers.

Cancer in Context: Ted Schettler’s Eco-Social Framework of Breast Cancer

In recognition of October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month, learn about the ecology of breast cancer in this review of Ted Schettler’s most recent publication.

To Feed the World in 2050 We Have to Change Course

We can feed the world in 2050 if we change course and if we stop focusing only on producing more agricultural commodities.

Can Palm Oil Go Sustainable in Indonesia?

Pulling off climate mitigation, like REDD+, and fixing deforestation in Indonesia’s palm oil industry is a difficult proposition.

Scanning for Solutions: National Survey Asks Communities Nationwide to Share Food Projects

The Wallace Center at Winrock International, Changing Tastes and Common Market scan the nation for community-based food system innovations.

UN Climate Summit Takes Steps to Ensure Food Security for 9 Billion People by 2050

GFAR stakeholders have been at the forefront of actions to raise awareness of the potential of agricultural systems in adapting and mitigating to climate change

IFAD Launches AgTalks Series to Present Human Face of Family Farming

As a contribution to the International Year of Family Farming (IYFF), the International Fund for Agricultural Development, is launching the AgTalks series.

A Feast of Information: This Online Platform is Coordinating Food Advocates Across the Globe

The Global SCP Clearinghouse aims to be a one-stop hub, bringing together scattered information into a coherent space for the international community.

Join the Conversation on ICTs and Family Farming

GFAR pledged to increase joint efforts to boost the contribution of science, technology and innovation to enable family farmers to improve their livelihoods.

New SOFI Report Demonstrates that the War Against Hunger Can Be Won

Although over 805 million people are still malnourished, global hunger is diminishing.

Scaling Up Agroecological Solutions, Farmer to Farmer

The benefits and use of agroecological farming will be investigated and shared at the International Symposium on Agroecology for Food and Nutrition Security.

Small Island Developing States Face Unique Development Challenges

Small Island Developing States are becoming the focus of IFAD’s development discussions.

Take One Simple Step to Create a Better Food System—Today!

Take the pledge to stand up for a food system that is fair and just and join the almost 5,000 other supporters!

Organized Crime No Longer Has a Place in the Mexican Lime Industry

Drug cartels are being squeezed out of the Mexican lime industry.

Food Recovery: A New Standard in the Food Industry

Does food recovery hold the key to reducing hunger as our global population hits nine billion by 2015?

FAO Announces International Symposium on Agroecology

The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) will host an International Symposium on Agroecology for Food Security and Nutrition this September.

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