Social Entrepreneurs

19 Refugee-Powered Culinary Programs

These visionary chefs and activists creating programs and spaces for refugees to fuel their futures and their communities.

Creating Communities Around Sustainable Food Ecosystems in Universities

A new initiative launched by the farm-to-table app, Bites | Eat With Your Tribe is connecting student eaters and student cooks to create sustainable food ecosystems on college campuses.

Global Accelerator Accepting Applications for Food System Solutions

Good Food Makers is a partnership between Barilla’s accelerator group, BLU1877, and the San Francisco-based incubator KitchenTown.

How Sun & Swell Ditched Plastic for Compostable Packaging

Sun & Swell is distributing their organic food products in 100 percent compostable packaging and reusable jars, one of the first companies to do this on a large scale.

Turkish Chef Creates Humanitarian Aid Through Social Gastronomy

In the face of global refugee and local poverty crises, a Turkish chef is using social gastronomy to empower, protect, and educate vulnerable women.

OjaExpress Reimagines Grocery Delivery With Inclusivity and Community

OjaExpress is a grocery delivery platform serving international foods to bring people and cultures together.

Superfood Bar with Compostable Wrapper Reclaims Carbon

Impacts Snacks, a plant-based superfood bar company, is using compostable wrappers and reclaiming more carbon that it uses to make its bars.

Liberation Ice Cream: kubé Brings Justice to People and Food

kubé is rebuilding a more inclusive regenerative economy through their plant-based coconut ice cream.

Allégorie Reimagines Fashion Through Discarded Fruits and Ethical Values

After learning about animals’ unethical treatment for bag production in the fashion industry, co-founders Heather Jiang and Jen You created the fashion brand Allégorie.

20 Food Cooperatives Building Resilient Communities

These food cooperatives are working to build better food systems in countries around the world.

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