
Catalyzing Action: Trucost Quantifies Environmental Costs of Food Production

Libby Bernick shares Trucost’s vision for sustainable business models in the face of resource scarcity.

2015 Fuller Challenge Winner: GreenWave Will Scale Out 3D Ocean Farming

GreenWave will scale out a 3D ocean farming model to restore ocean biodiversity and spur coastal job creation.

Empowering Rural Women

From October 1 – 17, use your voice to advance the status of rural women as part of the 17 Day Campaign.

Water Security Is Essential To Global Food Security

A new report was commissioned by the Swedish FAO Committee to examine the importance of water to global food security.

Real Food Media Releases 12 Stunning, New Short Films

Real Food Media just released 12 new, inspirational short films about sustainable food and farming, and you can watch all of them in under an hour.

Video Release: Good For You, Good For The Planet

The Barilla Group is working with farmers to create products that are “Good for you, good for the planet.”

Colorado’s Incredible Irrigation System Conserves Water, Produces Green Energy

USDA approves Colorado hydropower project proposal for funding as part of a new conservation initiative.

101 fatti che ci rendono ottimisti sul futuro del cibo

Le 101 storie di persone, organizzazioni e attività chef anno ben sperare nel futuro sostenibile del cibo

Transforming Food Systems with Agroecology

Agroecology course at UCSC uses immersive interactive learning to examine the history and prospects of the movement.

Accounting for the Hidden Costs of Monoculture Crops

Diversifying farms can rein in the externalized costs of monoculture.

Ben Simon: Imperfect Produce May Be the Bay Area’s Perfect Solution

Food Tank talks with Ben Simon about Imperfect Produce, a new food recovery project that plans to give consumers access to affordable, ugly produce.

The Ugly Truth: Imperfect Produce Tastes Great and this Retailer is Selling it at a Discount

Canada’s largest grocery retailer launched a new campaign to get ugly produce out of landfills and into grocery aisles.

Waste Not, Want Not: Filmmakers Live on Wasted Food in Challenging New Documentary

In the new documentary “Just Eat It,” premiering April 22 on MSNBC, two filmmakers take on food waste by living exclusively on rescued food for six months.

While Drought Rages On, Californian Farmers are Finding Ways to Conserve Water

The continuing drought in California reflects the need to challenge decades-old practices that sought to maximize short-term use of water for agriculture.

Safeway and Fair Trade USA Announce Partnership Launching Fair Trade Seafood

Fair Trade Seafood hits shelves in the North American market.

Where is Water Hiding in Your Food?

Here are eight facts about water eaters and consumers might not know about.

Celebrating #WorldWaterDay

This World Water Day we honor the projects, people, and programs working tirelessly to achieve more with less water.

Twenty Chefs Unite to Save the Oceans, Feed the World

Globally-acclaimed chefs will unite in Spain on March 17, 2015 to announce support for Oceana’s Save the Oceans: Feed the World campaign.

Real Food Media Contest Features Oyster Men of Long Island Sound

Baymen on the Long Island Sound spend all day scuba diving to pick wild oysters by hand.

24 TED Talks That Will Help Save the Food System

Food Tank has decided to highlight 24 TED talks specifically around food issues that we found compelling and worth sharing.

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