An alliance of African faith leaders outline the harmful effects of high input Green Revolution programs, like the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)
Calling All Storytellers Passionate About Food and Climate Action
25 Storytellers will advance to The Lexicon Total Storytelling Masterclass and learn how to produce location-based stories of agrobiodiversity for the initiative.
Expanding Nutrition Initiatives in Lead-Up to U.N. Food Systems Summit
The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) is playing a key role in improving the nutrition landscape in Ethiopia.
U.N. Food Systems Champions on Scaling Agroecology
Members of the U.N. Food Systems Champions Network call for greater inclusivity, education, more communication across all sectors.
16 Resources for Eating Seasonally Around the World
These guides can help eaters find fresh, nutritious food all year long.
U.N. Food Systems Champions Discuss the Hidden Costs of the Food System
Members of the United Nations Food Systems Champions Network discuss the hidden costs and benefits of the food system.
Integrated Approach Is Needed for Food System Change, Says New Report
The FABLE Consortium’s recent report proposes strategies and pathways for 20 countries to develop sustainable land-use and food systems.
Seven Ways to Fight for Food Justice
In honor of World Justice Day, Food Tank is celebrating different ways to support food justice efforts around the world and the organizations committed to this work.
Selling the Past as Innovation in Africa
Despite criticism, a growing number of farmers, scientists, and development experts are advocate for a shift from high-input, chemical-intensive agriculture to low-input ecological farming.
Oxford Real Farming Conference Reaches Global Audience in 2021
The Oxford Real Farming Conference will feature internationally renowned farmers and activists on an online format in January 2021.
36 Organizations Helping Solve the Climate Crisis
These 36 organizations can connect you to climate solutions, no matter if you’re already a climate activist or someone who wants to learn more.
Why Agroecology, not Agribusiness, Will Save Our Food System
The global food system needs transforming. Family farmers can get us there, through agroecology and the equitable use of resources.
Africa’s Farmers: Key to Solving Malnutrition
For the fifth straight year, chronic hunger increased worldwide. But supporting small-scale farmers and ecologically sound farming practices has the potential to nourish communities and the planet.
These 18 Organizations Are Building a Stronger Food System Through Agroecology
The agroecology movement encourages farmers to use farming techniques that have many environmental, social, and economic benefits including increased biodiversity and education for women and youth.
U.S. Agribusiness Takes Aim at Global Food Policy Reform
As the U.S. defends agribusiness, global food policy’s turn toward agroecology is far from a rejection of progress. Rather, it offers a path toward transformative change.
Op-Ed: The 2021 Food Systems Summit Has Started on the Wrong Foot – But it Could Still Be Transformational
The opaque process leading up to the Food Systems Summit has fueled concerns that it will in fact ignore the growing consensus on how to fix food systems, and ignore those who are already fixing them,” write Olivier De Schutter and Olivia Yambi, co-chairs of IPES-Food.
Opinion | Agroecology as Innovation
While financial interests in the current input-intensive systems are responding to growing calls for agroecology with attacks on its efficacy, it is surprising that they are so ill-informed about the scientific innovations agroecology offers to small-scale farmers who are being so poorly served by “green revolution” approaches.
Opinion | A Farmer’s Transformation
A former tobacco farmer reflects on his transformation toward regenerative agriculture, influenced by a farmer-driven program that aims to feed the world while improving the health of the planet.