Fresh Perspectives on Wasted Food in Milan

Apeel Sciences and Food Tank hosted young food leaders for sustainable food, drink, and discussion in Milan, featuring fresh perspectives on wasted food.

Winners of the 2018 Foundation for New York’s Strongest’s Food Waste Grant Announced

The winners of the Foundation for New York’s Strongest micro-grant winners have been announced, recognizing innovative action against food waste in New York’s bid to be zero waste by 2030.

Celebrating Efforts—Big and Small—to Stop Food Waste

For Stop Food Waste Day, Food Tank is celebrating the work of individuals and organizations ensuring that food is nourishing people instead of going to waste.

No Food Left Behind

Thomas McQuillan, of Baldor Specialty Foods, Inc., explains how he transformed the company’s sustainability and how he intends to spread the word about zero waste.

#EarthDay2018: Eating as if the Planet Mattered

In honor of Earth Day, April 22nd, Food Tank is highlighting five high-impact actions each person can take to eat as if the planet mattered. Eating as if the planet matters means eating more healthful foods, wasting less food, helping reverse climate change, and reducing the rates of overfishing and overexploitation of soils. These changes can also help consumers save money and build more resilient, fun, and beautiful communities.

goMkt is Creating a Marketplace for Surplus Food

Want to learn how to order take-out, stop food waste, and save money all at the same time? Food Tank interviewed goMkt, a food-tech startup, to find out how they plan to do just that.

Claire Cummings, Student Activist and Garbage Guru

Claire Cummings discusses the impacts of food waste and the importance of food recovery.

National Co+op Grocers Climate Collaborative Award Winners Announced

The National Co+op Grocers Climate Collaborative Award winners were announced Wednesday, recognized for their dedication to climate change mitigation throughout the food supply chain.

Jennifer Schmidt’s Passion for Agriculture is Inspiring Sustainable Practices

Jennifer Schmidt, a farmer and leader in the sustainable farming movement, spoke with Food Tank about a variety of issues facing the agricultural system, like climate change and diminishing opportunities for new farmers, and shared some solutions to these problems.

Food, Business, and Sustainability: An Intersection Revolutionizing the Food System

Kristen Rainey works to fight food waste and promote plant-based diets at Google. She spoke with Food Tank about the biggest problems she sees in today’s food system, and discussed innovative solutions to these challenges.

Lynsi Burton: On Writing, Food Policy, and a Meat-Free Lifestyle

Lynsi Burton opens up about a meat-free lifestyle, food waste, and food policies that can help build a better food system.

Peter Rabbit on Food Waste: “Better Ate Than Never”

The star of the upcoming animated movie “Peter Rabbit” urges viewers, “Just don’t waste it,” in a Save The Food campaign public service announcement.

M.J. Altman: Food Security “Brings All People Together”

M.J. Altman, Editorial Director at World Food Program USA, talks about her background, her work, and her vision for reducing hunger and food waste around the globe.

18 Films about Food to Inspire, Outrage, and Mobilize

Food Tank has curated a list of provocative food and farming films sure to spur debate, inspire action, and illuminate pressing food system issues.

Food Rescue US’ App Connects Hungry People with Fresh Food

An interview with Kevin Mullins, co-founder of Food Rescue US, discusses the root of food waste and hunger in America. Mullins tells how creative and simple technology may provide solutions.

New Guide Accelerates Retail Food Waste Solutions

The Retail Food Waste Action Guide, developed by ReFED and the Food Waste Reduction Alliance, helps retailers prioritize and accelerate waste reduction activities.

How UK Grocery Stores Are Increasing Transparency Around Food Waste.

A major victory for organizations campaigning for greater transparency in retailer food waste levels, after major UK supermarkets agree to publish food waste data.

Claire DiMattina on McDonald’s New Packaging Goals

McDonald’s director of U.S. Public Affairs sat down with Food Tank to discuss the world’s largest restaurant company’s new goals focused on packaging and recycling. It plans to meet both by 2025 in each of its 37,000 restaurants.

Meet the Minneapolis Cider Maker Tackling Food Waste by Crowdsourcing His Apples

Urban Forage, a cider house in Minneapolis, picked 16,000 pounds of apples that would’ve been wasted last year, and used them to make their sustainable apple cider.

The Root Café is Tackling Food Waste

Interested in turning your food waste into tasty meals? We spoke with The Root Café of Little Rock, Arkansas to show you how to use your food waste and to find out more about their restaurant!

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