
Celebrating 30 Years of Agricultural Innovation

The West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development (CORAF) is Africa’s largest sub-regional research organization working to create long-term, sustainable improvements in agriculture and eliminate food insecurity in West Africa.

Food Tank’s Reading List: 22 Books for Winter 2018

Spanning an array of topics, such as land and culinary justice, the rise of the organic food movement, and immigrant and transnational cuisine, Food Tank’s Winter Reading List will help fuel your passion for sustainable food.

To Save Family Farms, We Must Oppose Monsanto-Bayer Merger

The pending Monstanto-Bayer merger will increasingly limit farmers choices while increasing the price of required agricultural inputs. Congressional candidate Austin Frerick is out to right this wrong, restore competition within the market, and save family farms.

Robotics and Automation Are Transforming Food System Labor

From seed to table, a revolution in technology that prioritizes robotics and automation is on the cusp of transforming what the work required to produce, transport, sell, and serve food looks like.

16 Young Entrepreneurs Revolutionizing Food and Farming

These 16 young entrepreneurs are at the forefront of reducing food loss and waste, increasing crop yields, improving market access, developing novel technologies, and increasing urban and sustainable farming practices across the globe.

Mondelēz International’s Cocoa Life Program Promises Farmers a Sweeter Deal

The world’s largest chocolate company sets the standard for corporate sustainability in food, targeting 100-percent sustainably-sourced cocoa.

Future-Focused Policies Target Desertification

This year’s Future Policy Award, a joint initiative between the World Future Council and U.N. Convention on Combating Desertification, is honoring the world’s best policy solutions combating desertification and land degradation.

How Tucson’s Edible Biodiversity is Increasing Food Security

A new study by the University of Arizona Center for Regional Food Studies reveals that Tucson, Arizona, in one of the top U.S. cities and an international leader in conserving and providing access to food biodiversity.

Tapping into Ancient Strains to Bring Heat-Tolerant Wheat to Senegal

A group of scientists won the 2017 Olam Prize for Innovation in Food Security for applying advanced breeding techniques to strains of primitive and modern wheat to develop a set of durum wheat varieties that can not only withstand constant 35 to 40 degree Celsius (95 to 104 degree Fahrenheit) heat, but also grow remarkably fast, in only 92 days.

“The time is now for our country to help young farmers”

The number of American farmers is decreasing and their average age is increasing. This report examines obstacles young farmers face and suggests policies to ensure the future of American agriculture.

Fighting Hunger Through Aquaponics

INMED Partnerships for Children has adopted an innovative and sustainable food production technique known as aquaponics, combining aquaculture (fish farming) with hydroponics (soilless crop production).

How Africa Can Use Its Traditional Knowledge

Indigenous knowledge expert Chika Ezeanya-Esiobu’s TEDGlobal talk explores traditional African knowledge and practices used by modern farmers, with exceptional results.

In Wine Country, Agricultural Communities Measure Wildfire Tolls

Recent unprecedented wildfires in California wine country, where agriculture and tourism are key industries, have brought uncertainty for winemakers, farmers, laborers, and communities trying to assess damage and rebuild.

BUGs Keynote Speakers Promote Food Justice and Civil Rights

“Rooted and Rising: Black Southern Land Legacies of Resistance & Resilience,” a conference by the Black Urban Growers, will explore the history of and solutions from Black agriculture and how it influences today’s food movements.

The Plight of Jamaica’s Small-Scale Coffee Farmers to Climate Change

BCFN Alumni Anne-Teresa Birthwright discusses how climate change is pushing small-scale coffee farmers in Jamaica towards new realities.

Sundari Kraft: “People eat more veggies when they take part in gardening”

How Sundari Kraft is changing the Denver food system and cleaning up food swamps through education, grassroots movement building, and policy change.

New Investigative Series: Indonesia For Sale

Indonesia for Sale, an in-depth series on politicians, palm oil plantation companies, and deforestation in Indonesia, highlights the country’s current conflict over land.

FAO Highlights Rural-Urban Connections to Reduce Hunger

The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization have just released the 2017 State of Food and Agriculture report. Connecting rural areas with surrounding cities and towns will create more sustainable food systems and help alleviate rural poverty, the report argues.

Hurricane Maria Has Devastated Puerto Rico’s Farmland

Hurricane Maria is the strongest storm to hit Puerto Rico in almost a century. Major flooding and landslides have caused extensive damage to farmland and crops, and there is an urgent need for emergency food and water supplies.

Food Security and Agriculture in Haiti Hit Hard by Hurricane Irma

In the weeks following Hurricane Irma, humanitarian organizations launch responses and request funding to help Haiti through food insecurity and agricultural destruction.

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