
IPM Empowers Farmers Not to Produce More, but Produce Better Mangoes

CORAF’s Project to Support the Regional Plan for the Control of Fruit Flies in West Africa developed a comprehensive integrated pest management package, empowering mango growers to grow fruit desired by the rest of the world.

Free, Sustainable School Lunch for All, a Pledge from Alice Waters

Alice Waters is advocating for a ‘‘free, sustainable school lunch for all students.’ Despite advances in school food, there remains a stigma around school lunch. Waters believes this can change through better food education and stronger procurement policies.

Innovations in Climate Smart Agriculture offer South Asian Farmers Prosperity, Part 1

Natural resources are under increasingly more stress in South Asia due to agricultural intensification, urbanization, population growth, increasing climate change risks, and difficulties related to land degradation. Techniques like zero tillage, double cropping, and tools developed by CIMMYT can help mitigate these challenges.

Grabbing Land: An Excerpt from Nourished Planet

Land grabbing occurs when private investors, often encouraged by governments, purchase and take over control of farmland. This escalates food price volatility, food insecurity, and poverty, which is most burdensome on rural and developing areas.

“I Couldn’t Think of a Reason to Not Farm Sustainably,” Says Howe

Niman Ranch farmer Steve Howe is continuing generations of pig raising, treating pigs humanely and with love.

“Agriculture Must Be Inclusive In Its Diversity,” for Food System Change

Karen Washington wants people to imagine a new face for American farmers: the workers on farms who produce the world’s food yet often face discrimination and food insecurity.

Helping Refugees Become Sustainable Farmers

New Roots for Refugees works with refugees to build independence through farming. Empowering graduates of the program to acquire their own land, they hope farmers will expand their businesses and continue selling produce at local markets. 

Cultivating Resilience to Climate Change

Crop Trust’s Crop Wild Relatives program is bringing together top research institutions, farmers, and eaters to find the best way to boost crop resilience: the genetic material of their ancient relatives.

Climate Smart Agriculture Techniques Spread Beyond Senegal with New Regional Center

CERAAS earned Regional Center of Excellence recognition for its research on adapting dry cereals to drought conditions and its plans to expand into the rest of West and Central Africa.

30 Traditional Crops to Celebrate Indigenous Farming

With time-tested farming practices, agricultural knowledge, and traditional crops, indigenous peoples are improving global biodiversity and resilience to climate change with these special crops and more.

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