ICNA Relief’s Ramadan Food Box initiative is responding to food insecurity across the nation through providing culturally significant options during the month of Ramadan.
Food Security
Finding the Right Balance: Healthy People and a Healthy Planet
A landmark report described how to nourish people and save the planet. But more recent research suggests these guidelines fall short in essential nutrients, begging the question: Can this diet ever provide adequate vitamins and minerals?
Latin America’s Food Paradox
Nearly 268 million Latin Americans are feeling the effects of food insecurity, with many millions more likely to join their ranks in the coming months.
Food Assistance to Earthquake Recovery in Turkey, Syria
A series of earthquakes in Turkey and Syria will have immediate implications on the region’s food security.
World Economic Forum’s Davos Conference Talks Food Systems
Speakers addressed rural food systems, regenerative agriculture, and the future of agri-food tech during Davos 2023.
Looming Cuts to SNAP by New Congress
Some SNAP recipients are expected to see their benefits fall from US$281 to US$23 per month.
Upcycling for Hydroponics in Singapore
Keratin can be upcycled from many kinds of on-farm biowastes, like hair, hooves, feathers, wool, and horns.
Expanding Halal Options to Meet Student Needs
Community initiatives advocate for more halal options in K-12 schools to meet student needs and address food insecurity.
Food Donation Can Help Nigeria Fight Hunger and Cut Food Waste
The Global Food Donation Policy Atlas research shows Nigeria could benefit from improved food donation policies.
SDG2 Advocacy Hub Launches Two Anti-Hunger Campaigns at COP27
Advocates say that urgent reform is needed to address the global hunger and climate crises. Two campaigns launched at COP27 outline important interventions.
Sustainable Aquatic Food Systems for Climate Resilience
The role of aquatic foods and water management is crucial to developing more resilient communities and mitigating the climate crisis.
Food Security and Family Planning Are Linked
Some 257 million women around the world who want to avoid pregnancy lack access to safe, modern methods of contraception.
The Importance of Increasing the Resilience of Food and Nutrition Security to Climate Change
Heading into COP27, it’s important to remember that the severity of climate change consequences is critically dependent on progress to reduce emissions and to adapt.
Op-Ed: A Super-Powered Ally to Solve the Hunger, Poverty, and Climate Crises
Beans hold great potential as the future grows increasingly unpredictable. Why aren’t we eating more of them?
Russia’s War in Ukraine: Implications for the Indian Food System
The global food crisis has highlighted the fragility and fragmentation of the global food system and its vulnerability to shocks. India must adapt and develop long term plans to address such future shocks.
SME Survey: Rising Prices, Increased Cost Of Inputs, and Lack of Finance Raise Danger for Global Food Systems
Nearly one fifth of small- and medium-sized enterprises said high prices were having such a severe impact on their business that it risked closure.
Beyond Band-Aid Fixes: Helping Communities Feed Themselves
Food Systems for the Future is helping startups scale up and improve nutrition outcomes for underserved and low income communities.
New Tool Aims to Strengthen Food Security in Africa
New applications of artificial intelligence show promise to better equip governments and NGOs for growing food security challenges in Africa.
Mutual Aid Organizations Help Community Heal After Hate Attack
Mutual aid organizations work to ensure residents on the East Side of Buffalo affected by the mass shooting continue to receive nutritious food and necessities.