Food Waste

Celebrating Efforts—Big and Small—to Stop Food Waste

For Stop Food Waste Day, Food Tank is celebrating the work of individuals and organizations ensuring that food is nourishing people instead of going to waste.

No Food Left Behind

Thomas McQuillan, of Baldor Specialty Foods, Inc., explains how he transformed the company’s sustainability and how he intends to spread the word about zero waste.

Why Isn’t Food Donation the Norm?

Food donation seems like a common sense solution that should be applied everywhere. What could you do to make this become the standard for excess food? Participate in Rescuing Leftover Cuisine’s starting on Earth Day 2018.

goMkt is Creating a Marketplace for Surplus Food

Want to learn how to order take-out, stop food waste, and save money all at the same time? Food Tank interviewed goMkt, a food-tech startup, to find out how they plan to do just that.

Food, Business, and Sustainability: An Intersection Revolutionizing the Food System

Kristen Rainey works to fight food waste and promote plant-based diets at Google. She spoke with Food Tank about the biggest problems she sees in today’s food system, and discussed innovative solutions to these challenges.

Peter Rabbit on Food Waste: “Better Ate Than Never”

The star of the upcoming animated movie “Peter Rabbit” urges viewers, “Just don’t waste it,” in a Save The Food campaign public service announcement.

M.J. Altman: Food Security “Brings All People Together”

M.J. Altman, Editorial Director at World Food Program USA, talks about her background, her work, and her vision for reducing hunger and food waste around the globe.

Food Rescue US’ App Connects Hungry People with Fresh Food

An interview with Kevin Mullins, co-founder of Food Rescue US, discusses the root of food waste and hunger in America. Mullins tells how creative and simple technology may provide solutions.

Sarah Sem on Engaging Young People in the Food System

“Fostering a dialogue about how to balance budgeting and finding nutritious dining options” may increase awareness of food insecurity on college campus, but young leaders need to do more, according to Sarah Sem.

How UK Grocery Stores Are Increasing Transparency Around Food Waste.

A major victory for organizations campaigning for greater transparency in retailer food waste levels, after major UK supermarkets agree to publish food waste data.

Meet the Minneapolis Cider Maker Tackling Food Waste by Crowdsourcing His Apples

Urban Forage, a cider house in Minneapolis, picked 16,000 pounds of apples that would’ve been wasted last year, and used them to make their sustainable apple cider.

The Root Café is Tackling Food Waste

Interested in turning your food waste into tasty meals? We spoke with The Root Café of Little Rock, Arkansas to show you how to use your food waste and to find out more about their restaurant!

The Ghosts of Feasts Past: How to Reduce Food Waste

Americans waste more than 165 million kilograms (364 million pounds) of food every day but two-thirds of residential food waste in the United States is edible. Meanwhile, 1 in 8 people in the U.S. do not have regular access to food.

New Children’s Book Colorfully Deals With Food Waste

Author and illustrator Chris Newman is teaching children about food waste and positive body image in his colorful picture book The Perfectly Wonky Carrot.

Food Network Chef Justin Warner Talks Food System, Sustainability, Tiny Cabbage

Food Tank talks with Food Network chef Justin Warner about sustainability, cooking around the world, and how Food Network avoids wasting ingredients.

How to Start a College Food Recovery Chapter

Roughly 40 percent of all food in the United States goes to waste, and much of this food is still edible when wasted. For the past six years, Food Recovery Network (FRN) has been building solutions to fight this problem.

L.A. Chargers Team Up with L.A. Kitchen for “The One Table Pledge”

The L.A. Kitchen is teaming up with the Los Angeles Chargers football team and The Summit Series to serve 30,000 meals across the city of Los Angeles (L.A.), California in the first iteration of a new initiative called “The One Table Pledge.” They plan to match each of the 30,000 meals served by Summit at an event called SummitLA17 with one meal served to a local community in need.

Pasta Can Be a Valuable Ally in the Fight Against Food Waste

In the global fight against food waste, pasta can be a valuable ally. A dynamic base for meals central to numerous culinary traditions, pasta’s utility lies in its versatility. Leftovers unable to fill a plate on their own can be incorporated into pasta dishes or served alongside many quick-to-prepare pastas, according to the Passion for Pasta Advisory Council.

What Does Food Waste Have to Do with Hunger?

While distributing food waste to the poor has long been used as a solution to food insecurity, the author of Big Hunger says the moral imperative around reducing waste has also contributed to the never-ending nature of both problems.

NRDC: “An outrageous amount of food is wasted in our cities”

“With this important new research, cities like Denver, Nashville, and NYC can better rescue surplus, wholesome food; they have the data they need to set policy and feed more people in their cities. Everyone wins.”

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