Urban Agriculture

Building Community and Sustainable Food Systems in Bayview, CA

A new urban farm in Bayview-Hunters Point is working with the community to address food security and climate change.

20 Teachers and Educators Building a Stronger Food System

Through nutrition and garden education, teachers are building a stronger food system.

Home Gardening Promotes Mental Health during COVID-19

Vegetable gardening takes center stage during the pandemic, nurturing the emotional wellbeing of an increasing number of home gardeners

New on the Podcast: Rowen White Talks Indigenous Seed Sovereignty, and Viraj Puri Says Urban Greenhouses Can Transform Produce

On Food Talk Live: Rowen White, the director of Sierra Seeds and an Indigenous seed sovereignty advocate, describes the benefits of good seed stewardship. Later, Dani is joined by Gotham Greens CEO Viraj Puri to talk about how to make urban agriculture profitable, sustainable, and community-oriented.

Marc Oshima on Innovations in Urban Vertical Farming and Frida Herrera-Endinjok on Nutrition Justice

According to AeroFarms co-founder and CMO Marc Oshima, vertical farming and aeroponics can help slow climate change and support community food security. Later, student activist and master gardener Frida Herrera-Endinjok describes her approach to nutrition justice: building urban gardens and fighting food waste.

New on the Podcast: Rose Hayden-Smith on the Recent Rise in Home Gardening

Emeritus Advisor Rose Hayden-Smith on crisis gardening in the U.S.

Stephen Ritz on Urban Farming And Food Access in The Bronx

Stephen Ritz discuss how his organization is adapting to feed their community.

Farm-to-Table App Is Connecting Chefs, Eaters, and Farmers in Phoenix

Bites | Eat With Your Tribe is a mobile app connecting chefs, foodies, and urban farmers to create in-home, farm-to-table dining experiences.

17 Initiatives Changing Urban Agriculture Through Tech and Innovation

From high-tech indoor farming to mobile platforms connecting urban growers and consumers, Food Tank highlights 17 initiatives using tech and innovation to improve urban agriculture.

Empowering Refugees in Kenya Through Urban Farming

Urban farming can be a livelihood strategy for refugees and host communities living in the Kalobeyei Settlement in northern Kenya.

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