Vicki Wilde on the Benefits of Women’s Agricultural Empowerment

Vicki Wilde, senior program officer at the Gates Foundation, explains the importance of women’s role in the agriculture sector and the need to ensure that their voices are heard.

Jessie Bovay: “We need to teach young people food literacy”

Jessie Bovay, Director of Business Development at Mercaris: “The solutions to food insecurity and access will come from worldwide collaboration”

Bennett Haynes: “Farmers Deserve the Opportunity to Succeed”

Bennett Haynes, Chief of Produce of Beefsteak, tells Food Tank about his work, his inspiration, and opportunities he sees for farmers in development, marketing, and making connections with others in the food system.

18 Films about Food to Inspire, Outrage, and Mobilize

Food Tank has curated a list of provocative food and farming films sure to spur debate, inspire action, and illuminate pressing food system issues.

Sarah Sem on Engaging Young People in the Food System

“Fostering a dialogue about how to balance budgeting and finding nutritious dining options” may increase awareness of food insecurity on college campus, but young leaders need to do more, according to Sarah Sem.

More Investment in Small-Scale Agriculture Needed

A new report by international network More and Better provides an overview of global investments in agriculture, stating that more investment in sustainable small-scale agriculture in needed.

Biodiversity for Resilience Against Natural Disasters

As climate shocks increase in frequency and intensity, agricultural biodiversity—the variety of species of plants, animals, and microorganisms used for agriculture and food production—is an increasingly important part of resilience building.

16 Young Entrepreneurs Revolutionizing Food and Farming

These 16 young entrepreneurs are at the forefront of reducing food loss and waste, increasing crop yields, improving market access, developing novel technologies, and increasing urban and sustainable farming practices across the globe.

How Tucson’s Edible Biodiversity is Increasing Food Security

A new study by the University of Arizona Center for Regional Food Studies reveals that Tucson, Arizona, in one of the top U.S. cities and an international leader in conserving and providing access to food biodiversity.

25 U.S. Farmer Organizations #Still-In on the Paris Agreement

A stable agricultural industry depends on a stable, predictable climate. Food Tank is highlighting 25 farmer-led and farmer-focused organizations working in the U.S. who are committed to supporting the goals of the Paris Agreement and working towards them.

How Africa Can Use Its Traditional Knowledge

Indigenous knowledge expert Chika Ezeanya-Esiobu’s TEDGlobal talk explores traditional African knowledge and practices used by modern farmers, with exceptional results.

In Wine Country, Agricultural Communities Measure Wildfire Tolls

Recent unprecedented wildfires in California wine country, where agriculture and tourism are key industries, have brought uncertainty for winemakers, farmers, laborers, and communities trying to assess damage and rebuild.

FAO Highlights Rural-Urban Connections to Reduce Hunger

The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization have just released the 2017 State of Food and Agriculture report. Connecting rural areas with surrounding cities and towns will create more sustainable food systems and help alleviate rural poverty, the report argues.

Hurricane Maria Has Devastated Puerto Rico’s Farmland

Hurricane Maria is the strongest storm to hit Puerto Rico in almost a century. Major flooding and landslides have caused extensive damage to farmland and crops, and there is an urgent need for emergency food and water supplies.

19 Farm-to-School Initiatives Making an Impact

To celebrate national Farm-to-School Month, Food Tank has compiled a list of 19 unique, innovative, and effective farm-to-school programs from around the globe.

Women-Led Sustainable Farming Model Wins United Nations Equator Prize

The United Nations 2017 Equator Prize has been awarded to 15 local and indigenous communities across Africa, Asia, and Latin America, including Swayam Shikshan Prayog from India for its unique women-led sustainable farming model.

Women’s Empowerment Is Central to Food and Nutrition Security

BCFN Alumni Gianna Bonis-Profumo research explores the link between women’s empowerment in agriculture and household nutrition outcomes in Timor-Leste.

Hurricane Harvey’s Impact on Texan Farmers

Extensive wind and water damage caused by Hurricane Harvey has destroyed crops, stranded livestock, and contaminated the food supply. Texan farmers and ranchers will require ongoing support as they begin to assess damages.

Farm Aid’s 2017 Concert on September 16 Features Willie Nelson, Jack Johnson

This benefit concert features an amazing lineup and proceeds go to helping small family farms in America

Two Farmer Cooperatives in Arkansas are Helping Fight Food Insecurity One Farmer at a Time

Two farmer cooperatives in Arkansas, New South Co-op and Grassroots Co-op, are helping fight food insecurity in a region where 20 percent of families go hungry

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