Careit: Turning Food Surplus into Community Solutions

Careit wants to transform food donation by connecting surplus food to nonprofits, expanding programs, and promoting sustainability.

Food Rescue Bin Pilot from Seattle Public Utilities Reduces Food Waste

Public-private partnerships are offering promising opportunities to reduce food waste and redirect it to those in need.

The Food Donation Improvement Act Is Headed to President Biden’s Desk

Advocates call the passing of the Food Donation Improvement Act “a monumental win for food policy.”

Food Donation Can Help Nigeria Fight Hunger and Cut Food Waste

The Global Food Donation Policy Atlas research shows Nigeria could benefit from improved food donation policies.

Can Kenya’s Food Donation Policy Reduce Food Waste?

A new analysis shows how increasing food donation incentives can improve Kenya’s food donation policy.

Food Businesses, Nonprofits Urge Congress to Remove Barriers to Food Donation

The Food Donation Improvement Act of 2021 has the potential to cut food waste and help bring safe, quality food to the millions of U.S. residents who experience food insecurity.

The Global Food Donation Atlas Tackles Food Waste Policy

The new tool identifies challenges to food donation and opportunities to create more sustainable policies.

New on the Podcast: Emily Broad Leib and Doug O’Brien Talk International Food Donation, and Chef Pierre Thiam Calls for Fonio on American Tables

On Food Talk Live: Dani talks with the creators of the new Global Food Donation Policy Atlas about mapping food donation and waste. Then, chef Pierre Thiam introduces the ancient African grain fonio and its potential to fight food insecurity and climate change.

Spain’s First Food Sharing App Is Tackling Food Waste

Yonodesperdicio is the first web-mobile application in Spain for collaborative consumption to reduce household food waste.

14 Apps Preventing Food Waste

Organizations and individuals around the world develop smart mobile solutions to fight food waste. Food Tank has compiled a list of 14 food waste apps that change the way our food system works.

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