Break Silos Between Food and Health for Better Policy

On May 10, Food Tank visited the U.S. Capitol, joining experts like Kathleen Merrigan, Robert Graham, Gregory Cooper, and Rep. James P. McGovern to define the connection between agriculture and health for better food policy.

In Immokalee, Food Provides A Platform for Future Professionals

Yvelande Astreide, Office Manager of Taste of Immokalee, talks about the reverberation effects of the entrepreneurship program: professional development for high school students and community support for farmers.

A “Blue Card” Can Provide Protection for Farm Workers

Undocumented farm workers, who toil in dangerous conditions to grow the food that allows U.S. citizens to live healthy lives, are unable to access health themselves. A “Blue Card” bill could change that.

Eating Organic for One Week Can Reduce Pesticide Levels

Researchers found that eating organic food for one week had significantly reduced levels of toxins within the body, and in turn, reduce the health risks of pesticide exposure.

With the Help of Ancient Grains, Gluten Free Beer is Saving the Environment and Local Farmers

New gluten-free beer is using millets and sorghum, setting a new trend in the beer industry while also supporting local farmers, the environment, and our bodies.

Say Yes to Bats: How Bats Can Help Reduce Pesticide Use in Farms

Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition Young Earth Solutions winner in 2017 is using bats an integrated pest management system to replace or drastically reduce pesticide use in rice fields and to improve biodiversity and conservation management.

New Study Highlights Importance of Investing in Emerging Food Markets

By fixing the inefficient steps along the supply chain that lead to less available nutritious food, investments in Sub-Saharan Africa and parts of Asia can see better health outcomes.

GreenWave Works to Restore Oceans all over the Globe while Creating Jobs and a Market for Seaweed

Bren Smith is a self-proclaimed “huge fan of bundles of solutions.” To a large extent, this means making the connection between land and sea instead of simply viewing the ocean as a new frontier.

From Rescued Food to Artisan Bites

Small food business went from serving bread and marmalade to catering high brow events in London using food waste.

Join Food Tank. Events Coast to Coast on Food Access, Affordability, and Equity

A series of upcoming Food Tank events will take us coast to coast across the United States to bring together incredible speakers and moderators around the issue of how do we increase food access, affordability, and equity in the food system.

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