The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization announced that it will form a partnership with the Self-Employed Women’s Association in India.
Food Security
Five Questions with Ann Tutwiler, Director General of Bioversity International
Food Tank recently had the opportunity to speak to Ann Tutwiler, Director General of Bioversity International, about her work and background in the field.
Support for Urban Agriculture from the Ground Up: Canada’s Parliament Gardens
Learn how the Canadian government demonstrated that urban farming is accessible most anywhere by most anyone through the erection of its Parliament Gardens.
Protecting Disappearing Livestock Breeds
The FAO estimates that close to one-fifth of livestock breeds are endangered.
Chicago Council Releases its Annual Global Food Security Report
The Chicago Council released its annual global food security report on how to feed the world\’92s growing cities.
Food Loss and Waste Protocol Partnership Releases First-Ever Global Food Waste Standard
The first-ever global standard to measure food waste was recently released.
Ten Questions with Blake Young, CEO of Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services
Food Tank spoke with Blake Young, CEO of Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services, who will be speaking at the Farm Tank Summit in Sacramento.
Funding Needed for Scholarships to Reduce Post-Harvest Loss
The World Preservation Education Foundation is seeking funding to support students and scientists interested in reducing post-harvest losses.
Funding Needed for Scholarships to Reduce Post-Harvest Loss
The World Preservation Education Foundation is seeking funding to support students and scientists interested in reducing post-harvest losses.
Ten Questions with Harry Rhodes, Executive Director of Growing Home
Food Tank spoke with Harry Rhodes, Executive Director of Growing Home, who will be speaking at the Food Tank Summit in Chicago.
Hunger Doesn’t Take a Summer Vacation: 19 Summer Feeding Programs for Kids
During the summer, community organizations find creative ways to feed children who are food insecure.
Brazil’s Dietary Guidelines: Eat Real Food, Together
Brazil’s dietary guidelines provide sensible, food-based advice to combat the double burden of undernutrition and obesity.
Students Develop Innovative Solution to Reduce Food Insecurity in Nunavut
Students developed an initiative to reduce food insecurity in Iqaluit, Nunavut.
20 Native North American Foods with Stories to Tell
Twenty indigenous North American crops important to the histories and cultures of Native Americans and early settlers.
How the Philippines is Using a Robot to Plan for Natural Disasters
The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization embarked on a drone initiative with the Philippine government to reduce disaster risk in the agriculture sector.
NRDC’s Auntie Biotic Petitions for KFC to Reform its Antibiotics Policies
NRDC’s chicken mascot Auntie Biotic petitions to push KFC to stop sourcing chickens that are routinely fed antibiotics even in good health.
What Will it Take to End Global Malnutrition by 2030?
The Global Nutrition Report examines the state of nutrition in the world and what it will take to end global malnutrition by 2030.
New Developments in the System of Rice Intensification (SRI): An Interview with Norman Uphoff
Food Tank interviewed Norman Uphoff to learn about recent updates with his work.