In West Africa where the percentage of women in poverty is growing, new technologies and crop varieties developed by the region’s leading researchers bring new opportunities for women and youths in terms of food and livelihood security.
Food Tank
Observations from a “Shithole” Country and a Note to President Trump
While visiting the West African country of Senegal, Food Tank President, Danielle Nierenberg, reflects on U.S. President Trump’s infamous statement about “Haiti and African countries” and the damage the President has inflicted.
More Investment in Small-Scale Agriculture Needed
A new report by international network More and Better provides an overview of global investments in agriculture, stating that more investment in sustainable small-scale agriculture in needed.
SKYBERRIES Conference Celebrates Two Years of Vertical Farm Institute
SKYBERRIES, the first vertical farming conference in the German-speaking market, invites urban farmers, researchers, and pioneers to Vienna, Austria, to discuss the future of agriculture.
Biodiversity for Resilience Against Natural Disasters
As climate shocks increase in frequency and intensity, agricultural biodiversity—the variety of species of plants, animals, and microorganisms used for agriculture and food production—is an increasingly important part of resilience building.
Food Tank President Danielle Nierenberg to Visit West Africa
A meeting with officials of the West and Central Africa Council for Agricultural Research and Development (CORAF) is central to Nierenberg’s visit.
Claire DiMattina on McDonald’s New Packaging Goals
McDonald’s director of U.S. Public Affairs sat down with Food Tank to discuss the world’s largest restaurant company’s new goals focused on packaging and recycling. It plans to meet both by 2025 in each of its 37,000 restaurants.
Celebrating 30 Years of Agricultural Innovation
The West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development (CORAF) is Africa’s largest sub-regional research organization working to create long-term, sustainable improvements in agriculture and eliminate food insecurity in West Africa.
Meet the Minneapolis Cider Maker Tackling Food Waste by Crowdsourcing His Apples
Urban Forage, a cider house in Minneapolis, picked 16,000 pounds of apples that would’ve been wasted last year, and used them to make their sustainable apple cider.
Netflix Reveals Rotten Truths of Industrial Food Industry
New Netflix true-crime documentary series Rotten exposes the corruption and controversies that underlie the global food and agriculture industry.
Sustainable Forests for Food Security and Nutrition
Forests represent far more than natural resources and goods: they are part of human culture, identity, knowledge, and history, and for those who live in and near to them, they are central to their lives.
Dickinson: Mission-Based Foods are the Future
Dickinson helps healthy product innovations grow in natural and mass markets while trying to inspire and facilitate action on climate change through the Climate Collaborative.
Food Tank’s Reading List: 22 Books for Winter 2018
Spanning an array of topics, such as land and culinary justice, the rise of the organic food movement, and immigrant and transnational cuisine, Food Tank’s Winter Reading List will help fuel your passion for sustainable food.
To Save Family Farms, We Must Oppose Monsanto-Bayer Merger
The pending Monstanto-Bayer merger will increasingly limit farmers choices while increasing the price of required agricultural inputs. Congressional candidate Austin Frerick is out to right this wrong, restore competition within the market, and save family farms.
Robotics and Automation Are Transforming Food System Labor
From seed to table, a revolution in technology that prioritizes robotics and automation is on the cusp of transforming what the work required to produce, transport, sell, and serve food looks like.
Study Unearths Baltimore’s Vibrant Urban Foraging Community
A new study by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future details an active urban foraging community in Baltimore that collect more than 140 different kinds of fruits, nuts, leafy greens, and fungi.
This Human Rights Attorney Believes Hunger Belongs Only in a Museum
Marcos Ezequiel Filardi founded Buenos Aires’ Museo del Hambre with hope that hunger will one day be found only in a museum.