Food Tank

A Love for Farming that Spans Generations — And Continents

For Niman Ranch farmer Jeanne McCormack, sheep farming is not just a job but a way of life that spans generations and continents.

FoodCorps Members Keep Students Learning About Food

FoodCorps service members continue to serve students as they conduct food and nutrition education online and assist with emergency school meals.

New on the Podcast: Kari Hamerschlag on Advocating for Worker Protections and Healthier Climate-Friendly Food.

Kari Hamerschlag on investing in frontline food workers, regional food economies, and healthy, climate-friendly food.

Food Tank’s Summer 2020 Reading List

Food Tank’s summer 2020 reading list includes books on a wide range of topics, including food access and culture in Black communities, food relief programs, and the effects of technology on global food supply chains.

New on the Podcast: Ricardo Salvador talks Science Advocacy

Ricardo Salvador, the Director of the Food and Environment program of the Union of Concerned Scientists talks science advocacy.

COVID-19 and the Global Food Supply: Big Lessons from the World’s Small Farms

Successes in farming communities from Nepal to Guatemala hold lessons for those in the U.S. who see small-scale farms as one way to build resilience. Though each success story is different, the communities often share three commonalities.

New on the Podcast: Rowen White Talks Indigenous Seed Sovereignty, and Viraj Puri Says Urban Greenhouses Can Transform Produce

On Food Talk Live: Rowen White, the director of Sierra Seeds and an Indigenous seed sovereignty advocate, describes the benefits of good seed stewardship. Later, Dani is joined by Gotham Greens CEO Viraj Puri to talk about how to make urban agriculture profitable, sustainable, and community-oriented.

Feeding Families in Need: Renewable Energy Companies Enter the Mix

As food insecurity in the U.S. rises and food relief programs grapple with overwhelming demand during the pandemic, some unusual partners—renewable energy companies—are stepping up.

New on the Podcast: Birgit Cameron and Kurt Beardslee Talk Recent Executive Order and the Fight to Restore Wild Fish Populations

Managing Director of Patagonia Provisions, Birgit Cameron, and Kurt Beardslee explain how the recent Executive Order could affect human health, coastal economies, and the fight to restore wild fish populations.

New on the Podcast: Dr. Felix Kwame Yeboah on Youth-Powered Agricultural Development

Dr. Felix Kwame Yeboah describes his work at the intersection of agricultural development and youth livelihoods in Africa.

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