Food Tank

Celebrating and Reimagining Soul Food

On Food Talk with Dani Nierenberg, Christopher Carter discusses the history of soul food, Black veganism, and staying true to his values.

Rockefeller Foundation Announces Farmer-Led, Regenerative Agriculture Grants

The grants will go toward promoting Indigenous and regenerative agriculture. 

Can Food Justice Be a Religion?

Food and faith are both simultaneously deeply personal and inherently community-based.

Climate Conference Strengthens Agribusiness Support, Leaves Small-Scale Farmers Behind

Advocates worry that initiatives from COP27 are doing more to support industrial agriculture, which will only worsen the climate crisis.

Database Indicates U.S. Food Supply Is 73 Percent Ultra-Processed

Researchers released a public database of 50,000 foods, helping consumers identify ultra processed foods in their diets.

Reimagine and Re:wild Your College Campus

Re:wild Your Campus is reimagining Colleges without toxic herbicides and pesticides.

Current Laws Fail to Protect Farm Workers from Pesticides

A recent report shows that farm workers are at risk of exposure to harmful pesticides due to failed enforcement of federal and state laws.

Food Donation Can Help Nigeria Fight Hunger and Cut Food Waste

The Global Food Donation Policy Atlas research shows Nigeria could benefit from improved food donation policies.

COP27 Is Over—What Just Happened?

There is a lot of work to do. There’s also time to take a moment and be grateful for the inspiring folks who came together at COP27 to spark important discussions about the role of agriculture and food in the climate crisis.

What’s Next for the Food Movement?

Coming out of COP27, food systems advocates are celebrating their wins, evaluating the shortcomings of the Conference, and preparing for what’s next.

Film Series Says Out with Industrial Agriculture, in with Agroecology in Africa

The benefits of agroecology are backed by scientific evidence, but a recent film shows philanthropists continue to fund industrialized agriculture.

First Cacao Free Alt-Choc Hits Markets

A London-based startup has created a cacao-free chocolate, helping consumers enjoy chocolate without navigating the ethical concerns of the chocolate industry.

Food as Healing: Nurturing Ourselves and Land Through Food

FromSoil2Soul is helping people experience nature’s remedial effects while healing both themselves and the earth.

A Model for Bold Agricultural Transformation in Kenya

A coalition in West Pokot County, Kenya, hopes to serve as a model for community-led food systems transformation in other countries.

Dispatch from the U.N. Climate Change Conference: Friday, Nov. 18

At COP27, speakers embrace the nuance involved in building a more sustainable and equitable food system. There is no one solution.

Dispatch from the U.N. Climate Change Conference: Thursday, Nov. 17

At COP27, conversations continued around food waste, the biodiversity loss crisis, and the role of the alternative meat sector.

Identifying a Food Future that Preserves Biodiversity

Alternative proteins can be produced at scale and have the potential to reduce demand for conventional meat. But are they the answer to preserving biodiversity?

From Farm to Kitchen: Solutions to Address the “Low Hanging Fruit” of Food Loss and Waste

Everyone has a role to play in addressing food loss and waste, say experts at the U.N. Climate Change Conference.

SDG2 Advocacy Hub Launches Two Anti-Hunger Campaigns at COP27

Advocates say that urgent reform is needed to address the global hunger and climate crises. Two campaigns launched at COP27 outline important interventions.

FAO to Release Roadmap to Make Food Systems More Sustainable

With their plan, the FAO hopes to help limit the rise in global temperatures to 1.5 °C.

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