
“Time Has Been Taken Out as an Ingredient in Bread”

At The Bread Lab, breeders, PhD students, community members, bakers, chefs, millers, maltsters, and distillers come together to develop good grains and better bread.

Health and Nutrition Key to Protecting the Planet

On Food Talk, Fabrice DeClerck plots out the changes needed in the food system to improve the planet’s wellbeing. The first step: improve dietary health.

Egger Overturns Leadership with Rock and Roll

At L.A. Kitchen, Robert Egger moves past the typical food pantry idea to help sustainably prepare for the incoming wave of poorer people: older generations.

Show Respect and Care for Another by Feeding Them

Michel Nischan wants people to reconnect to and through healthy, organic, and sustainable food. His organization Wholesome Wave is inviting more people to the table.

Can Forests Act as Buffers Against Food Insecurity?

BCFN Alumni Matthew Cooper shares his insight into how forests can help shelter communities from food insecurity.

20 Organizations Planting the Seeds for Food Justice in Prisons

With more sustainable food programs being offered to inmates, Food Tank brings you 20 organizations fighting for food justice in prisons around the globe.

Chefs Serve Hospital Food That’s Better for Patients, Employees—and the Planet

While chefs have been a driving force improving school food for a long time, now they’re also stepping in to transform hospital kitchens, bringing with them expertise in healthy menu planning and fresh food sourcing.

Building the Foundation for Health: An Excerpt from Nourished Planet

A healthy diet combined with exercise can reduce the risk of chronic diseases over a lifetime. Teaching healthy behaviors at a young age is key to sustaining long-term health.

Going Forward By Going Back: An Excerpt from Nourished Planet

Plant biodiversity is rapidly declining and little research has been invested in sustainable and nutritious indigenous crops, which can lead to improved health outcomes and increased food security.

Recipes for Sustainability, Meal by Meal

Kass’s new book, Eat A Little Better shares the lessons he imparted while chef to the Obamas and White House food policy advisor: anyone can eat flavorful, healthy food with the environment in mind.

A Washington, D.C. Bakery is Transforming the Way We Eat Bread

Jonathan Bethony from SEYLOU is changing the way we bake with nutritious, diverse, and local grains.

Precarious Prices for Food: An Excerpt from Nourished Planet

Food price volatility pushes millions into poverty, especially in low-income countries, leading to widespread malnutrition and civil unrest. Commodity prices are no longer determined by quality or supply and demand, rather financial speculators undermine the price of food, contributing to global instability.

Smarter Lunch Food in India

ICRISAT and the Akshaya Patra Foundation are joining forces to implement a new Smart Food-based mid-day meal program to improve nutrition and food security for Indian schoolchildren.

World Food Prize Laureates Rise to the Challenge to End Child Malnutrition

2018 World Food Prize Laureates Drs. Lawrence Haddad and David Nabarro lead in unifying global nutrition efforts and reducing child malnutrition during the first 1,000 days of a child’s life.

Improving Supply Chains Can Help Ensure Nutritious Food Reaches the Poor and Malnourished

Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition is aligning supply chains with human need, for a better food system between farmer and consumer.

Big Food Can Do Better: An Excerpt from Nourished Planet, Publishing in June 2018

Children and teenagers are the biggest targets of junk food advertising because they are easy to influence and have large spending potential now and in the future. Junk food marketed to children has long term public health consequences.

Opinion | Snacks and the City: The Malnutrition Cocktail

Rapid urbanization in low-income countries has negative consequences on the food system, which affects the physical, economic, and environmental health of these areas. The ‘Malnutrition Cocktail’ describes the convergence of hunger and obesity within these urbanized populations.

A Ghanaian Chef Feeding His Country and Combating Food Waste

In a nation with millions of children going hungry, one Ghanaian chef is working tirelessly to stop food waste by redistributing food to those in need.

Empowering Kenyan Women with Nutrition Education

By facilitating participatory cooking training and educational demonstrations, ICRISAT is empowering Kenyan women and improving the nutrition, dietary diversity, and wellbeing of rural families.

Nourished Planet: Sustainability in the Global Food System

Nourished Planet offers a hopeful but practical global plan for feeding ourselves sustainably. Edited by leading food advocate and Food Tank co-founder Danielle Nierenberg, the book assembles a diverse group of internationally renowned experts to chart a bold path forward.

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