
India’s Public Stockholding: “Much more than a welfare program”

India’s food security and stockholding program uses precisely the same policies that the U.S. used in its early farm policy coming out of the Great Depression. Exactly the same: price supports, food reserves, administered markets, subsidies. The U.S. government used them because they work. India and other countries should be allowed to use them, too. Because they work.

WTO and Food Security: Biting the Hand that Feeds the Poor

India’s National Food Security Act (NFSA), is one of the most ambitious food security initiatives in the world, planning to buy food grains from small-scale farmers to distribute to some 840 million poor Indians, two-thirds of the country’s people.

Vote With Your Turkey: How Your Holiday Purchase Can Save Lives

Americans eat approximately 40 million turkeys on Thanksgiving and another 22 million for Christmas. Consumers have an opportunity this holiday season to help move turkey producers away from misusing life-saving medicines.

The Tea Industry: A Model for a Sustainable Future

First discovered 5,000 years ago in China, tea is the most consumed beverage in the world, besides water, and more than half of Americans drink tea on a daily basis. Consumers are increasingly demanding fair trade, organic practices, and sustainable farming.

Artificial Intelligence in the Food Industry: Empowering Farmers’ Decision-Making

Can artificial intelligence save our food system? In the final piece of her three-part series, Chiara Cecchini investigates the main challenges and opportunities of this niche, exploring how we might use artificial brains leverage to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being.

Artificial Intelligence in the Food Industry: An opportunity, not a threat

Can artificial intelligence save our food system? In part two of her three-part series, Chiara Cecchini investigates the main challenges and opportunities of this niche, exploring how we might use artificial brains leverage to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being.

Artificial Intelligence in the Food Industry: How to empower consumer decisionmaking

Can artificial intelligence save our food system? In part one of her three-part series, Chiara Cecchini investigates the main challenges and opportunities of this niche, exploring how we might use artificial brains leverage to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being.

“Food Evolution” Documentary Supports GMOs, but Not Science

The recently released documentary “Food Evolution” fails at exploring the central issue of the safety of the most common genetically engineered (GE) crops. Any reasonable discussion about the science of GMOs and the products they were designed to use must include such debate.

Escaping the Consumer Trap

It’s become normal to talk about people as consumers in relation to food. But a new report from UK-based organizations the New Citizenship Project and the Food Ethics Council argues this language and its associated ideas create a fundamental barrier to the change we need.

The Plight of Jamaica’s Small-Scale Coffee Farmers to Climate Change

BCFN Alumni Anne-Teresa Birthwright discusses how climate change is pushing small-scale coffee farmers in Jamaica towards new realities.

Less and Better Meat is Key for a Healthier Planet

The University of Oxford’s Food Climate Research Network (FCRN) recently released a new report titled “Grazed and Confused” to examine whether grass-fed beef is good or bad for the climate but failed to account for the many environmental, animal welfare, and health benefits of well-managed, pasture-raised animals.

Want to Boost SNAP Efficiency? Let’s Start with Food

Susan Levin: It’s time to alleviate health inequalities by aligning our nation’s largest food assistance program with disease-fighting foods.

Free the Seed: An Open Source Approach to Food Crop Seed

Inspired by the free and open source software movement that has provided alternatives to proprietary software, the Open Source Seed Initiative was created to ‘free the seed’—to make sure that at least some crop genetic diversity cannot be locked away from use by intellectual property rights.

Mindfully Meeting the Food Waste Challenge to Improve Nutrition for Plants and People

The Food and Health Lab discusses their research which challenges institutions, consumers, and food producers to mindfully reduce food waste to improve nutrition for plants and people.

Project Green Challenge 2016 Finalist Hannah Watts

Project Green Challenge 2016 finalist Hannah Watts speaks about her life changing experience and her transition from a conventional consumer to a conscious consumer and global citizen.

Students Are Trashing Hunger, Not Food

Universities Fighting World Hunger and The Campus Kitchens Project, with support from The Rockefeller Foundation, have joined forces to empower students to take action against the 22 million pounds of food waste thrown away on college campuses annually.

For Climate Change, the American Farmer is the Sleeping Giant

American corn farmers are a major group still skeptical of climate change and have been largely unharmed by it so far. This could change in the near future, bringing new force and an unlikely ally to the fight against climate change.

Fighting Food Waste over Labor Day Weekend

Residents of New York City will waste 11 million pounds of food over Labor Day Weekend, while 1.4 million New Yorkers remain food insecure. Fortunately, there is enormous potential to recover that food, according to Food Tank and ReFED.

Tuning in to Farmers’ Water Needs: Radio broadcasts aid Malawi irrigation efforts

Farm Radio Trust’s is organizing farmer “listening groups” and developing local radio broadcasts on agricultural development issues in Malawi, a country in East Africa.

Children Join the Fight Against Food Waste with Ugly Fruit and Veg

Jordan Figueiredo writes about introducing fun, character, and nutrition-filled “ugly” produce in schools or at home, making it more fun for children to eat healthy fruits and veggies.

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