Additional funds support conservation efforts to protect agriculture, rivers, and communities.
In Parched Zimbabwe, Small-Scale Farmers Turn to Traditional Crops
Severe droughts are pushing Zimbabwe farmers back to traditional crops like millet and sorghum.
Sweetwater Farms: Cultivating Knowledge in Houston
Sweetwater Farms HTX is cultivating a vibrant community in Houston through agriculture, outreach, and education.
20 Food Systems Reads that Will Inspire You this Summer
Discover a handpicked selection of inspiring summer reads that offer fresh perspectives on sustainability, agriculture, and the future of food systems.
Catastrophic Floods Cause Major Disruptions to Brazil’s Agricultural Sector
Record rainfall caused destructive flooding in Rio Grande do Sul, resulting in major disruptions to the Brazilian food system.
New African Society: Cultivating Seeds of Change in Sierra Leone’s Eastern Province
New African Society’s approach integrates agro-biodiversity, fostering food sovereignty while addressing long standing socio-economic challenges in Sierra Leone’s rural communities.
Watershed Project Bolsters Food Security in the Philippines
The Carood Watershed Project, focused on restoring degraded forests and water reservoirs, connects ecological health and food security.
124 Food and Agriculture Organizations to Watch in 2024!
These organizations are leveraging the power of unusual partnerships, giving voice to youth, and investing in community-led innovations and solutions.
20 Books About Food, Agriculture, and the Environment on Food Tank’s Spring 2023 Reading List
This Spring, be inspired by new recipes, a guidebook for climate action, lessons from the Earth, and much more.
The Comeback of Natural Fertilizers: A Cost-Effective Alternative for Producers
Cover crops can build soil health, combat the climate crisis, mitigate drought, and boost farmers’ livelihoods.
How Sustainable Agriculture Can Combat Drought and Creates Resilient Food Systems
Droughts have increased globally by nearly 30 percent since 2000. Sustainable land management practices can restore the soil and promote resilience.
Acknowledge Agriculture: The Sector at the U.N. Water Conference that Is Not Receiving the Spotlight it Should
Agriculture must receive the attention it deserves at the U.N. Water Conference to ensure food security and protect the world’s natural resources.
New Welsh Agriculture Bill May Boost Sustainable Production
A Sustainable Land Management policy will pay farmers for protecting the environment while boosting food security and preserving Welsh culture.
Study Finds Local Foods are the Key to Nutrition in Ethiopia
In Ethiopia local resources offer a holistic solution to address nutrient deficiencies in children.
Why Cover Crops Are the Solution to Rapid Soil Degradation
About a third of arable land is now moderately to severely degraded, but cover crops offer a potential solution.
New Report Calls for Advancing Equity in Agriculture for the 2023 Farm Bill
With the upcoming Farm Bill, policymakers have the opportunity to support historically underrepresented farmers and ranchers.
A Model for Bold Agricultural Transformation in Kenya
A coalition in West Pokot County, Kenya, hopes to serve as a model for community-led food systems transformation in other countries.
On Eve of Election, Midwest Farmers Squeezed by Inflation Eye Corporate Concentration
Farmers have a keen sense of what’s driving up food prices, driving down farm incomes, and eroding rural communities: corporate concentration.