Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Testifies Before the U.S. Senate Finance Committee

“If you like a McDonald’s cheeseburger or Diet Coke, which my boss loves, you should be able to get them. If you want to eat Hostess Twinkies, you should be able to do that. But you should know what the impacts are on your family and on your health.”

School-Supported Agriculture Can Nourish Students and Communities

School-supported agriculture can to help local farmers, foster equity, and nourish young people with fresh, healthy meals.

Op-Ed | USDA Opens the Door to Climate-Friendly School Meals

New nutrition standards for child nutrition programs just released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture will give students a better chance of eating healthy, sustainable meals.

Op-Ed: Free School Meals Are Here to Stay in Massachusetts. Who’s Next?

Massachusetts is the 8th U.S. state to provide free school meals, a solution to end child hunger.

This Is Your Sign to Take Action in the Food System this Year!

It’s never too late to get involved in the food movement. Now is the perfect moment to pick an organization whose mission inspires you and help build systems that are better for people and planet.

Get Schools Cooking Grant Brings Whole, Sustainable Foods to Schools

A three-year grant program established by the Chef Ann Foundation helps schools serve sustainable and scratch-cooked meals.

Massachusetts Guarantees Free School Meals for 2022-2023 School Year

Thanks to the extension, 400,000 students will continue to have access to free school meals.

Pandemic, Fresh Food Act Influencing Farm-to-School Efforts in West Virginia

West Virginia farmers and schools are adapting to the pandemic and learning lessons in local sourcing.

USDA Proposal Aims to Loosen School Nutrition Standards

A proposed rule by the USDA will reintroduce 1 percent chocolate milk, cut in half whole grain serving requirements, and relax sodium restrictions.

USDA Extends Free Meals for Children Until End of 2020 – 2021 School Year

The USDA has extended free meals for children until the end of the 2020 – 2021 school year.

New on the Podcast: Food and Nutrition Educators Find New Ways to Meet Students’ Needs

On this week’s episode of “Food Talk with Dani Nierenberg,” hear about the teachers and educational organizations working to ensure that students stay fed and engaged.

Food Tank’s Summer 2020 Reading List

Food Tank’s summer 2020 reading list includes books on a wide range of topics, including food access and culture in Black communities, food relief programs, and the effects of technology on global food supply chains.

School Lunches Are As Important As Ever, Says Fleishman

“When chefs are able to see that they can be creative with school food and they can help change the palates of our youngest generation – I think it brings more culinary talent into this field,” says Fleishman.

We Must Meet The Needs Of Those Most Affected By COVID-19, Says Kimbal & Christiana Musk

Today on “Food Talk with Dani Nierenberg,” Dani interviews Kimbal and Christiana Musk. They discuss the importance of providing nutritious meals for students who are food insecure and rely on school lunches for sustenance.

Congress Introduces Universal School Meals Bill

The Universal School Meals Program Act could make school meals free for all U.S. schoolchildren, eliminate lunch debt, and expand out-of-school meals

19 Books on Food Tank’s Fall Book List to Reconnect with the Food System

This fall, Food Tank is highlighting 19 new books that inspire us and challenge us to keep pushing for a better food system for everyone around the world.

16 School Garden Initiatives Revitalizing Lunches in the Cafeteria

The benefits of school gardens range from higher fruit and vegetable consumption to improved academic performance — and in the cafeterias, students can eat what they grow for lunch.

Free, Sustainable School Lunch for All, a Pledge from Alice Waters

Alice Waters is advocating for a ‘‘free, sustainable school lunch for all students.’ Despite advances in school food, there remains a stigma around school lunch. Waters believes this can change through better food education and stronger procurement policies.

19 Farm-to-School Initiatives Making an Impact

To celebrate national Farm-to-School Month, Food Tank has compiled a list of 19 unique, innovative, and effective farm-to-school programs from around the globe.

New Orleans Chefs Challenged to Create School Lunches for US$1.25

On September 29, 2017, the Chef Ann Foundation is bringing a Celebrity Chef Edition of The Real School Food Challenge to New Orleans. The organizers will be challenging a group of New Orleans’ most prominent chefs to create healthy school lunch recipes for just US$1.25 per meal.

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