
Herbicide Dicamba Can Stay Volatile for 36 Hours, Arkansas Researchers Say

Farmers in nearly a dozen states are complaining about dicamba, the primary ingredient of a new Monsanto herbicide, blowing into their fields and allegedly ruining their crops.

The True Face of a Farmer

When you think about farmers, which images come to mind? A Growing Culture says it’s time to start challenging stereotypes.

Family Farms Will Feed Farm Aid Concert

Farm Aid’s concert food will “reflect an authentic representation of Western Pennsylvania’s food culture” to connect farmers and eaters and promote family farming.

Justin Kamine: “Society needs to move toward the notion of a circular economy”

Justin Kamine, Co-Founder and Partner of KDC Ag, believes looking to nature to form large scale infrastructure solutions is the quickest and most effective way eliminate food waste.

Joshua Svaty Could Become the Only Sitting Farmer-Governor of a U.S. State.

Joshua Svaty is running in Kansas to become only sitting governor-farmer of a U.S. state.

Loren Cardeli: “Agriculture got us here, and agriculture can also save us”

Loren Cardeli, Founder and President of A Growing Culture (AGC), has worked closely with smallholder farmers around the world and helps consumers to reevaluate how their relationships with farmers.

For Climate Change, the American Farmer is the Sleeping Giant

American corn farmers are a major group still skeptical of climate change and have been largely unharmed by it so far. This could change in the near future, bringing new force and an unlikely ally to the fight against climate change.

“Breaking Down the Silos of Consumers and Producers” in Washington State

Russell Lehman and Arianna Muirow of Seattle-based Food Action discuss sustainability, regenerativity, and food access for all through their whole systems approach to food system reform.

Tuning in to Farmers’ Water Needs: Radio broadcasts aid Malawi irrigation efforts

Farm Radio Trust’s is organizing farmer “listening groups” and developing local radio broadcasts on agricultural development issues in Malawi, a country in East Africa.

Farm Aid’s 2017 Concert on September 16 Features Willie Nelson, Jack Johnson

This benefit concert features an amazing lineup and proceeds go to helping small family farms in America

Remembering Sam Dryden: Global Leader in Food Security and Agricultural Development

Global food security and agricultural development leader and advocate Sam Dryden has passed away at age 67.

Listen: Danielle Nierenberg on the Real Reason for Our Disconnect with Food

Danielle Nierenberg talks about why corporatization is bigger than “Big Ag” on this week’s International Food Policy Research Institute’s Nourishing Millions podcast.

The Trump Administration’s False Promise to Rural America

If future GMO crops are to play positive environmental and social roles, they must be developed and deployed under policies and other conditions that favor and value agro-ecology, rural society, food sovereignty, and the environment over corporate control and excessive profit.

Celebrating International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples

Food Tank is celebrating World Day of Indigenous Peoples by highlighting five indigenous farming practices that are maintaining local biodiversity and enhancing global food security.

BCFN Alumni Series: Charlotte Payne On Using Insects to Tackle Food Insecurity

BCFN Alumni Charlotte Payne explains the many benefits of insect farming, from tackling food insecurity to reducing deforestation.

Two Farmer Cooperatives in Arkansas are Helping Fight Food Insecurity One Farmer at a Time

Two farmer cooperatives in Arkansas, New South Co-op and Grassroots Co-op, are helping fight food insecurity in a region where 20 percent of families go hungry

Carlotta Mast on Food Access, Industry Collaboration, and Food System Change at Esca Bona 2017

Carlotta Mast, Executive Director of Content and Insights at New Hope Network, discusses food access, food system change, and the importance of industry collaboration in preparation for Esca Bona 2017 in October.

Focus on Food: A Conversation with Congressman Dwight Evans

Congressman Dwight Evans of Pennsylvania details his work on food security in America and the importance of strong food policy both domestically and internationally in a conversation with Food Tank.

Partnership Aims to Train Needed Organic Seed Farmers

A first-of-its-kind educational partnership between the Organic Seed Alliance and the Multinational Exchange for Sustainable Agriculture is stepping up to train hundreds of new seed growers in organic production.

A Different Type of Union: Indigenous Farm Workers Land New Contract

First New Farm Union in Half-Century signs labor contract to improve wages and working conditions.

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