
Carlotta Mast on Food Access, Industry Collaboration, and Food System Change at Esca Bona 2017

Carlotta Mast, Executive Director of Content and Insights at New Hope Network, discusses food access, food system change, and the importance of industry collaboration in preparation for Esca Bona 2017 in October.

Focus on Food: A Conversation with Congressman Dwight Evans

Congressman Dwight Evans of Pennsylvania details his work on food security in America and the importance of strong food policy both domestically and internationally in a conversation with Food Tank.

Partnership Aims to Train Needed Organic Seed Farmers

A first-of-its-kind educational partnership between the Organic Seed Alliance and the Multinational Exchange for Sustainable Agriculture is stepping up to train hundreds of new seed growers in organic production.

A Different Type of Union: Indigenous Farm Workers Land New Contract

First New Farm Union in Half-Century signs labor contract to improve wages and working conditions.

Monsanto Faces Labor Law Violations Class Action Suit

Seed-corn workers brought a first of its kind class action suit against seed giant Monsanto for violations to two federal labor laws the day after the release of a two-year investigation into labor violations in the seed-corn industry.

In India, Farmers Are Taking a Novel Approach to Drought Adaptation

The Doba Livelihood Program is helping Indian farmers adapt to climate change by linking indigenous knowledge with academic research.

Free from Debt and Suicide: India’s Natural Farmers

Ashlesha Khadse’s friends in Bangalore’s hi-tech boom are sometimes envious of her work. It’s true that they have their weekends free, but being immersed in a David and Goliath fight for a fair food system seems like pretty meaty stuff.…

Surviving the Drought with Jamaican Farmer Field Schools

Since winning the Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition’s YES! Competition last year, Shaneica Lester and Anne-Teresa Birthwright now run a knowledge transfer project for small-scale farmers in St. Elizabeth, Jamaica. Lester and Birthwright’s program, which focuses on irrigation conservation…

Study: Seaweed in Cow Feed Reduces Methane Emissions Almost Entirely

An Australian study indicates adding a small percent of seaweed to cow feed could drastically reduce methane emissions from cattle

Apply for Tickets to the Inaugural New York City Food Tank Summit

As the first major bipartisan food policy summit post-inauguration, the event will gather dozens of expert speakers who are top leaders across all sectors of the food industry,

Census of Agriculture 2017: Sign Up by June 30

The 2017 Census of Agriculture provides an opportunity for farmers and ranchers to influence the future of agriculture, including policies and budget priorities, by giving them a voice.

Veterans Gain New Life with Heroic Food: Interview with founder Leora Barish

Heroic Food has a mission to provide sustainable agriculture instruction to veterans seeking meaningful careers. Founded in 2015, the program is aimed at supporting veterans in their transition back to civilian life and providing opportunities for health and employment “while…

Fairtrade Farmers Spur Big Change in Child Labor

Belize’s Ministry of Labor takes strong steps to address child labor nationwide. Advocacy efforts by Fairtrade sugar cane farmers were influential in the move.

“Stronger and More Resilient,” the Future of CropMobster with Co-Founder Nick Papadopoulos

Founded as a resource to prevent food waste, the CropMobster network has grown into an online platform for farmers, food activists, and pantries to exchange resources. Designed to “ignite food system crowdsourcing,” CropMobster empowers local leaders to connect communities interested…

The Importance of Young Farmers: Stone Barns Center Releases Two Videos

Stone Barns Center released two new videos promoting its book Letters to a Young Farmer, which compiles insight from some of the most influential farmers, writers, and leaders in the food system.

New Partnership Pursues Sustainable Rice

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the International Rice Research Institute are joining forces to promote sustainable rice production and improve the lives of small-scale farmers and women in developing countries.

Nabeela Lakhani: I’m Taking Action To Create Solutions

Square Roots is trying to mobilize a food revolution by bringing food closer to consumers and empowering entrepreneurs to change the food system.

Los Poblanos: Southwest Model Organic Farm

A historic inn and farm in arid New Mexico adopts organic and sustainable practices.

Research Raises Concerns for Pregnancy Complications from Pesticide Exposure

Researchers discover a correlation between glyphosate pesticide exposure during pregnancy and complications including low birth weight, raising another health concern for the world’s most commonly used and increasingly controversial pesticide.

Nutrient Density: How Does Your Food Measure Up?

Food Tank spoke with Dan Kittredge, founder of the Bionutrient Food Association, about the work they do with farmers to establish more nutrient dense growing practices. The organization is currently developing a standard, and a handheld tool, to measure nutrient density in foods. They hope by doing so they can empower consumers to reward farmers for better growing practices.

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