
Twenty Magazines for People Who Eat, Cook, or Grow

These 19 magazines offer stories, news, and research on the latest food and agriculture news.

Penn State’s PlantVillage Forum is Making Crop Information Free and Accessible

Penn State’s PlantVillage, an online forum, provides free access to information about plants and plant disease and provides a database of information about a crop’s description, use, and propagation.

On World Food Day One Year After Expo Milano 2015—the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact Awards

As part of World Food Day on October 14, Milan’s Mayor Giuseppe Sala declared that “Milan continues to build the global council of urban food.”

Celebrating International Day of Rural Women 2016

On October 15, the world celebrates rural women and their essential roles in sustainable development.

Five Aquaculture Questions for Dr. Jillian Fry

Dr. Fry is involved in education, advocacy, policy, and research on the consequences of industrial aquaculture and animal food production.

Eat Better, Eat Less, Food for All

The future of the planet depends on what you eat. On the occasion of World Food Day, the BCFN Foundation launches a video to raise awareness on the strong impact that our food choices have on our Planet.

James Beard Foundation and Food Tank to Release Third Annual Good Food Org Guide

The James Beard Foundation and Food Tank will release the third annual Good Food Org Guide at the James Beard Food Conference in New York City on October 17-18.

The Cookbook Project Trains Community Leaders to Promote Food Literacy and Cooking Education

The Cookbook Project offers an online program that trains people to become Certified Food Literacy Educators.

Food Recovery in Marin County, California

ExtraFood works to end hunger and minimize food waste in Marin County, where approximately 50,000 people are unsure of where their next meal will come from.

Project Green Challenge 2016 Sparks Change

Project Green Challenge consists of 30 days of environmentally-themed challenges to encourage environmental stewardship amongst students and future generations.

Confronting a Global Epidemic of Obesity and Disease: An Interview with Jack Fisher

Food Tank talks to Jack Fisher of NCDFREE. NCDFREE is a global nonprofit that uses social and creative media, and educational and collaborative events to mobilize world citizens and push for change in the battle against noncommunicable diseases.

Promoting Dialogue on Sustainable Food Security: An Interview with Matthew Fielding

The Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative seeks to promote dialogue and collaboration on global agricultural development.

One Hundred Thousand Beating Hearts focuses on regenerative farming

As a re-generational farmer Will Harris manages a living ecosystem centered on sustainability, animal welfare, and humane agricultural and environmental stewardship.

The Organic Center Report Says Organic Livestock Can Combat Antibiotic Resistance

A recent report by The Organic Center asserts that organic meat is “the best choice” consumers can make to protect against antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Groundswell International Panel on Agroecology and Food Sovereignty

Leaders in global food sovereignty will gather for a conversation about the challenges and opportunities in implementing agroecology across the globe.

Meghan Carreau is Making School Lunch More Nutritious—and Fun!

Food Tank spoke with Meghan Carreau, the founder of the new kid-centric meal delivery service, TuckrBox.

Leket Israel: A Role Model Food Bank

Leket Israel covers all aspects of food recovery, gathering fresh and high-quality food items that would otherwise be destined for landfill and redistributing to those in need.

Antibiotics in the Food System

Check out what experts presented at the New York Academy of Science and Sackler Institute for Nutrition Science’s conference on antibiotics in the food system and what they mean for public and animal health.

Farm Tank Interview with Clover President & CEO Marcus Benedetti

A Food Tank interview with Marcus Benedetti, President and CEO of Clover in Petaluma, CA.

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