A Local Food Revolution in Puerto Rico

A year has passed since Hurricane Maria first made landfall in Puerto Rico, destroying homes, roads, and vehicles in its path—and taking thousands of lives. Using agroecology has allowed Puerto Rican farmers to envisage an agriculture system not reliant on external inputs.

Botanical Gardens: Allies in Food Security and Nutrition

There are opportunities to reach out to and collaborate with botanical gardens as fellow travelers in the progressive agri-food movement on issues of plant biodiversity, pollination, and food security.

Winners of Grow Ahead’s 2018 Scholarship Announced

The winners of the Foundation for New York’s Strongest micro-grant winners have been announced, recognizing innovative action against food waste in New York’s bid to be zero waste by 2030.

Reality TV Encourages Farmers to be Innovative

Access Agriculture empowers farmers across the Global South with translated farmer-to-farmer training videos in integrated pest management, business skills, sustainable land management, and more.

World Bee Day 2018: Protecting the Pollinators

For the first time, the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization is observing May 20 as World Bee Day. The day is a celebration of the role of bees as pollinators in food systems as well as a call to action for the serious threats that bee populations face.

18 Organizations Promoting Regenerative Agriculture Around the Globe

Food Tank has created a list of 18 organizations dedicated to progressively improving agro-ecosystems and livelihoods all over the world.

The Future Policy Award 2018 is Open for Nominations

The Future Policy Award 2018 focuses on agroecology in its call for nominations

Fighting Climate Change on the Farm: Share Your Stories!

Agriculture is both a contributor and a potential solution to climate change. Tell Food Tank what ideas excite you!

Agroecology: A Path to Sustainable Development

FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva writes about the importance of agroecology to put forward sustainable food systems that offer health, nutritious and accessible food for all, ecosystem services, and climate resilience.

Will Agroecology be the Solution to Mitigate Climate Change? Food Tank Goes to the United Nations FAO to Make the Case

Building on a Global Dialogue, the Second International Symposium on Agroecology will generate next steps to “scale-up and scale-out agroecology.”

Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition YES! Finalist Chris Maughan on Agroecology Innovations for Social Justice and Sustainability

BCFN Alumni Chris Maughan describes the rise of the agroecology movement, the biggest obstacles to agroecological development, and how the SHIFFT project is working to support agroecological innovations across Europe.

Apply for A Grow Ahead Scholarship In Agroecology or Regenerative Organic Agriculture!

Women farmers from Africa, Asia, or Latin America are eligible for Grow Ahead scholarships to attend agroecology or regenerative organic agriculture workshops and trainings.

“Need to break the cycle of industrial farming, poverty, and poor health”

Nick Jacobs, a specialist in agri-food, trade, and development policies, discusses IPES-Food’s recent report, entitled Unravelling the Food-Health Nexus, and how to change the global food system.

Food Fight: the Battle Over Sri Lankan Food Production

Once known as ‘the granary of the East’, Sri Lanka’s food production has suffered over recent decades, with civil war, natural disaster, and failed policy all contributing to a fall in domestic food production and a rise in imports. In 2016, Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena published an ambitious three-year agricultural plan to build a ‘toxin-free nation.’ The plan reimagines the country’s agricultural future based on the principles of agroecology: an approach which prioritizes sustainable and people-centered practices over corporate profit.

16 Organizations Fighting the Global Hunger Increase

The U.N. released a new report showing a five percent increase in global hunger despite eradication efforts. These organizations are using regenerative agriculture and agroecology to fight back.

Advocating for Food Sovereignty at La Via Campesina

La Via Campensina, one of the world’s largest grassroots movements, is holding their seventh International Conference this July to advocate agroecology as the path towards Food Sovereignty.

Freya Yost on Respecting “Farmers and Their Rightful Place in Our Food System”

Freya Yost, Vice President at A Growing Culture, discusses the potential of farmers in building a more equitable food and agriculture system, with one central question: what can we learn from smallholder farmers?

Opportunity to Grow and Connect Agroecological Farmers

MESA’s online certificate course in applied agroecology is an opportunity for learners to network with farmers and food advocates worldwide, and gain a holistic understanding of agroecology in seven lessons that encompass academic, scientific, socio-political, and traditional knowledge.

The Regeneration Hub: Mapping the Regeneration Movement

Regeneration International, Open Team and 17 other organizations leading the regenerative food and farming movement launched The Regeneration Hub, a platform that aims to accelerate the regeneration movement by encouraging collaboration among groups and individuals focused on regenerative projects.

United Nations Report Rejects Pesticide Myth

A new United Nations report has rejected the myth that pesticides are necessary in feeding the world, highlighting the catastrophic damage they have caused to people and the environment.

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