Eliminating Single Use Plastics, One Product at a Time

Over 50 companies joined the Zero Waste Campaign and committed to transition at least one packaging material to a more sustainable option by the end of 2022.

European Commission Commits to Phasing Out Caged Farming

The EU Commission recently pledged to phase out, and eventually ban, caged farming by 2027.

Are Alternative Meats a Good Option For The Environment?

A new report poses questions about the environmental impact of alternative meat.

New Study Highlights Traditional Foods as Foundational to the Health and Well-Being of Indigenous Peoples

The study underscores the health and nutrition disparities experienced by the First Nations peoples of Canada.

How Grocery Stores Can Help Consumers Make Healthy Choices

Healthy Eating Research is finding the most effective strategies to help consumers make healthy choices in grocery stores.

How Can Nutrition Professionals Help the Food System?

A new paper outlines how dietitians and nutrition professionals can promote sustainable food systems.

Connecting the Dots: Sustainable Diets, Climate, and Health

During this event, Brent Loken, the Global Food Lead Scientist for WWF, and Stineke Oenema, the Executive Secretary of UN Nutrition, and Federico Bellone of the UNFCC COP26, join Danielle Nierenberg to discuss the inextricable links between sustainable consumption and diet, climate change, biodiversity, and health as well as the importance of breaking down silos for food systems transformation.

Food Talk Live: Frances Moore Lappe

Frances Moore Lappe is the author of Diet for a Small Planet, a landmark book published in 1971 that illustrated the relationship between food, agriculture, and environmental degradation. For the 50th anniversary of the book’s publication, she joins Food Tank to discuss the path toward a more sustainable food system.

Can Forgotten Cemeteries Help Restore Biodiversity?

A nonprofit is turning historic cemeteries into homes for native plant species, pollinators, and more.

20 Foragers Inspiring Environmental Awareness

The COVID-19 pandemic has spurred a renewed interest in foraging. These educators are helping others do so safely and sustainably.

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