The Ghosts of Feasts Past: How to Reduce Food Waste

Americans waste more than 165 million kilograms (364 million pounds) of food every day but two-thirds of residential food waste in the United States is edible. Meanwhile, 1 in 8 people in the U.S. do not have regular access to food.

New Children’s Book Colorfully Deals With Food Waste

Author and illustrator Chris Newman is teaching children about food waste and positive body image in his colorful picture book The Perfectly Wonky Carrot.

How to Start a College Food Recovery Chapter

Roughly 40 percent of all food in the United States goes to waste, and much of this food is still edible when wasted. For the past six years, Food Recovery Network (FRN) has been building solutions to fight this problem.

15 Gleaning Initiatives Fighting Food Waste

With 133 billion pounds of food ending up in landfills, gleaning organizations across the country are working with farmers to help fight food waste and food insecurity.

Pasta Can Be a Valuable Ally in the Fight Against Food Waste

In the global fight against food waste, pasta can be a valuable ally. A dynamic base for meals central to numerous culinary traditions, pasta’s utility lies in its versatility. Leftovers unable to fill a plate on their own can be incorporated into pasta dishes or served alongside many quick-to-prepare pastas, according to the Passion for Pasta Advisory Council.

What Does Food Waste Have to Do with Hunger?

While distributing food waste to the poor has long been used as a solution to food insecurity, the author of Big Hunger says the moral imperative around reducing waste has also contributed to the never-ending nature of both problems.

New Funding to Fight Food Waste in NYC

The Foundation for New York’s Strongest is launching a micro-grant program to help reduce the 650,000 tons of food waste generated by businesses in New York City each year.

KDC Ag’s Technology is Taking Food Waste From Fork to Farm

“If we want to continue to develop as a society, we need to be more resourceful and conscious of the resources we use and to use them in a more sustainable way,” says Justin Kamine, Co-Founder and Partner of KDC Ag.

NRDC: “An outrageous amount of food is wasted in our cities”

“With this important new research, cities like Denver, Nashville, and NYC can better rescue surplus, wholesome food; they have the data they need to set policy and feed more people in their cities. Everyone wins.”

Anthony Bourdain Joins the Fight Against Food Waste

Anthony Bourdain partners with other chefs and food leaders to explore potential ways to help solve the food waste problem in his new documentary “WASTED! The Story of Food Waste.”

Live Webinar October 31: “Tackling Urban Food Waste”

Join Zilient for a live webinar moderated by Danielle Nierenberg on October 31 at 11am EST. The webinar coincides with the release of and will revolve around a new report from the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) on food waste.

Wasted, Redefined: Could Beer Be the Next Food Waste Solution?

Advocates say there are many reasons turning citrus into saisons and sourdough into session IPAs could make a major contribution to both reducing and raising awareness of food waste.

Fighting Food Waste for World Food Day

FAO estimates that if we managed to eat all the food we currently waste, we could feed every hungry person in the world—four times over

This Company is Using Food to Preserve Food and Fight Food Waste

Apeel Sciences have developed Edipeel, an invisible peel made from plant material which dramatically slows the rate of produce spoil and providing benefits to growers, distributors, and consumers.

In “Trash Empire,” Dumpster Diving Success Sheds Light on Food Waste

Dumpster diving success led filmmaker William Reid to live on food waste from supermarkets and restaurants for two years. Reid hopes the “absurdity” of his diet will lead to consumer, industry, and policy action.

Mindfully Meeting the Food Waste Challenge to Improve Nutrition for Plants and People

The Food and Health Lab discusses their research which challenges institutions, consumers, and food producers to mindfully reduce food waste to improve nutrition for plants and people.

Join Us Today for a FREE Garjana Experience in New York City!

Listed in The New York Times as one of the top things to do in New York City, the new dance workout fitness experience called Garjana will feature speakers, dance performances, and all-original music.

Justin Kamine: “Society needs to move toward the notion of a circular economy”

Justin Kamine, Co-Founder and Partner of KDC Ag, believes looking to nature to form large scale infrastructure solutions is the quickest and most effective way eliminate food waste.

New Study: Majority of American Food Waste Happens in the Home

The Natural Resource Defense Council have released the second edition of their food waste report, Wasted, highlighting the latest studies, success stories, and key recommendations across the food system in reducing food waste.

Fighting Food Waste over Labor Day Weekend

Residents of New York City will waste 11 million pounds of food over Labor Day Weekend, while 1.4 million New Yorkers remain food insecure. Fortunately, there is enormous potential to recover that food, according to Food Tank and ReFED.

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