Food Tank

Tell Congress That Farmers Count—Take the 2017 National Young Farmer Survey

Take the National Young Farmers Coalition’s survey to let Congress know #FarmersCount.

It’s Time We Get Serious About Organic Farming

The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced that it is seeking public comments to a proposal for a nationwide research and promotion check-off program for the organic industry. Ken Cook of the EWG says there is a lot that can be accomplished if the agricultural community pools its resources and approves an organic research and promotions program

Chocothon, the Initiative that Seeks to Save Cocoa Production in Ghana

Chocothon, a collaborative initiative for cocoa farmers, kicks off on January 18.

Ambassador Darci Vetter: “Food and agriculture policy are critical”

Ambassador Darci Vetter, Chief Agricultural Negotiator for the U.S. Trade Representative, is speaking at the third annual D.C. Food Tank Summit, Let’s Build a Better Food Policy, on February 2, 2017.

Technology is Reducing Food Waste: Interview with Copia’s Mike Goldblatt

A for-profit food waste reduction and recovery company based in San Francisco, CA, Copia has the first end-to-end waste reduction and recovery technology available.

Promoting Farmworker Rights and Social Responsibility in the Food System

Bruce Goldstein, President of Farmworker Justice, is speaking at the third annual D.C. Food Tank Summit: Let’s Build a Better Food Policy.

The Future of Food is in Cooperatives

Food Tank had the opportunity to speak with Narendra Varma, founder of Our Table Cooperative, a multi-stakeholder cooperative located in Sherwood, Oregon. Our Table has 58 acres of farmland, a grocery, and numerous farm-based educational opportunities, and the organization incorporates the…

United Nations Approves New Animal Welfare Recommendations

New United Nations recommendations on animal welfare provide progressive guidelines for an industry adapting to scientific discoveries and emerging expectations of consumers.

Next Secretary of Agriculture?

The President-elect has not appointed one of the most important positions in the new administration—the new Secretary of Agriculture. Who do you think should get the job?

New Food Metrics Provide Better Information on Access to Nutritious Foods in Africa

The Indicators of Affordability of Nutritious Diets in Africa project will help policymakers and program managers craft policy that ensures access to a diverse, nutritious diet.

Carbon Farming for the Individual

Carbon farming is not just limited to farmers. Individuals can help reduce atmospheric carbon and improve soil quality by carbon gardening.

Ten Celebrities Advocating for a More Sustainable Food System

These 11 celebrities are using their name, audience, and dollars to draw attention to issue areas within the global food system.

Eric Trachtenberg: “It’s madness to lose what is already produced”

Trachtenberg, Director of the Food and Agriculture Sector at McLarty Associates, is speaking at the third annual D.C. Food Tank Summit: Let’s Build a Better Food Policy.

Sustainable Spirits from Hawaiian Sugarcane

Ocean Organic Vodka on Maui, Hawaii, is shaking up the status quo by lessening their footprint while providing high-quality organic spirits from one of Hawaii’s oldest crops: sugarcane.

Ten Restaurant Innovators Serving Delicious Food with a Side of Sustainability

Hungry for more than just good food? Check out these 10 restaurant innovators committed to reducing their impact on the environment by serving their food with a side of sustainability.

Food Tank’s Reading List: 17 Books for Winter 2017

Check out these latest and upcoming releases from farmers, biologists, and food leaders to inform and inspire a food revolution in 2017.

Now Entering the Age of Food Efficiency: Interview with Jon Shaw of Carrier Transicold & Refrigeration Systems

Carrier Transicold & Refrigeration Systems is improving efficiencies along the cold chain to combat food waste and climate change while providing safe, nutritious and diversified food.

What the World Can Learn from SmartSOIL, a Research Project in the European Union

The SmartSOIL (Sustainable farm management aimed at reducing threats to SOILs under climate change) project brought together researchers and professionals from various universities and institutes in Europe to develop options to increase soil organic carbon.

Women’s Rights in Land Investment Decisionmaking: Interview with Celine Salcedo-La Viña

Celine Salcedo-La Viña, an Associate with the Land and Resource Rights (LRR) project at the World Resources Institute (WRI), authored a recent publication titled “Making Women’s Voices Count in Community Decision-Making On Land Investments.”

Year-End Gift to Organic Advocates: Study Shows Organic Foods Provide Health Benefits

The European Parliament’s Independent Research Service released an encouraging report about the health benefits of eating organically.

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