Industrial Agriculture

Rob Larew Talks Corporate Consolidation in the Food System

Rob Larew exposes the social and agricultural injustices present in the food system and offer ways, primarily through legislature, to improve these injustices.

Cummins talks Green New Deal, Regenerative Agriculture, COVID-19

Ronnie Feldman is mobilizing support for regenerative agriculture and a Green New Deal.

Fabrice De Clerck and Amy Wu on Innovating a Better Food System

Today on Food Talk Live, Dani interviews Fabrice De Clerck, the science director at EAT, and Amy Wu, the founder of From Farms to Incubators. They discuss how agriculture can change to meet the planet’s needs—and the women who are driving the biggest innovations.

Over 50 Organizations Urge Congress to Prioritize Small, Mid-Sized Farms for COVID-19 Relief

An open letter to congress signed by 54 organizations calls for stimulus funding for small farms and farm workers in response to COVID-19.

Kathleen Finlay Discusses Regional Farming, COVID-19

Kathleen Finlay discusses regional farming, community resilience and COVID-19.

Jim Perdue, Tom McDougall Talk Supply Chain, COVID-19

Danielle Nierenberg interviews Jim Perdue of Perdue Farms and Tom McDougall of 4P Foods.
They discuss farmers, the impact of COVID-19, and how they’re responding to the crisis.

Fatema Sumar Talks Oxfam America’s Response to COVID-19

“If you break the food supply chain, you can imagine how that would affect supermarket shelves”

Holly Rippon-Butler Talks Young Farmers, COVID-19

“We need to make investments for young farmers as a resource for this country”

Purdue University’s Jayson Lusk Discusses The Economics of COVID-19

“We’re here to teach students, and try to help them prepare for the work force, but also apply what things we know to try to make the world a better place”

Caesaré Assad On The Food System, COVID-19

“We have this really beautiful rich, diverse country where we can produce and we can create so much wealth for all of us, and it’s now about zooming in and resourcing these gaps that we know exist”

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