Sustainable Agriculture

Can Sustainably Raised Fish Feed the World?

Doubling aquaculture’s production is the focus of the next chapter in the 2013-14 World Resources Report: Creating a Sustainable Food Future.

Book of the Week: The Seed Underground: A Growing Revolution to Save Food

Food Tank Book of the Week: The Seed Underground. Saving the world, one seed at a time.

Five Recommendations for Sustaining Agricultural Innovation

Innovation on African smallholder farms is the subject of a new report available through the Global Forum on Agriculture Research.

Grassroots Approach to Reducing Global Food Losses: Interview with Dr. Lisa Kitinoja

Dr. Lisa Kitinoja, founder of The Postharvest Education Foundation, sits down with Food Tank to discuss a grassroots approach to reducing postharvest food loss.

Food Hero: John Reganold, Sustainable Food and Farm Educator Winner of the Growing Green Awards 2014

John Reganold has played an important role in transforming U.S. agriculture through education.

10 Urban Agriculture Projects from Europe’s Greenest City: Freiburg, Germany

Freiburg is historically one of the most environmentally-conscious cities in all of Europe. Food Tank highlights ten urban agriculture projects in Freiburg.

Is Sustainable Farm-Raised Salmon Possible?

Verlasso has developed a way to farm-raise salmon with more sustainable methods.

The Indigenous Farming Project Augments Native American Food Sovereignty Efforts

The Indigenous Farming Project is a pilot program that will support small-scale Native American agricultural projects in the Owens Valley of California.

How Melbourne is Becoming a Sustainable, Thriving Food City

Melbourne, Australia is recognizing the impact food has on the health and well-being of its community and is committed to promoting a healthy food system.

Stockholm EAT Initiative Will Bring Together Leaders to Discuss Sustainability Solutions

EAT Forum will bring together sustainability pioneers to discuss and implement strategy for confronting global food sustainability in May in Stockholm.

Food Tank’s Summer 2014 Reading List – 18 Books For A Better Food System

Food Tank’s 18 summer “must reads” for your tablet or bookshelf.

Food: A Forum: The Meaning of Sustainability and Sustainable Sustenance

Jerry Glover, Nadine Azzu, Ben R. Jordan, and chef José Andrés weigh in on what it takes to grow enough food for the planet.

Sustainable Business: A Farmers’ Market at Your Fingertips—Farmigo

Bringing farmers’ markets into the Internet age, Farmigo puts the power of community-supported agriculture into the hands of consumers.

Database of Sustainable Grassland Management – Calling for Submissions!

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations is calling for submissions to its Database of Best Practices in Sustainable Grassland Management.

Indigenous Crop: Fonio—One of the World’s Oldest Grains

Fonio may be one of the tastiest cereals that you have never tried.

Sunrise Ranch Permaculture Design Course Based on Original Curriculum

Sunrise Ranch intentional community has a long history of practicing sustainable agriculture and teaching permaculture design.

Digging a Green House: Walipini

This underground greenhouse will have you growing tomatoes all year round.

Artificial Fertilizer Use levels-off as regions reach state of diminishing returns

Artificial fertilizer use is leveling off and even decreasing in many regions of the world as countries have started to reach a state of diminishing returns.

Indigenous Crop: Mesquite—Ancient Flour of the Future

Mesquite has a long history of usage by Native-Americans, but is only recently being rediscovered for its tasty flour and nutritional benefits.

Think Global, Buy Local: A new study looks at the impact of buying local produce on local economies

Think Globally, Act Locally has been a motto of the sustainable food movement – but does it improve local economies?

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