Botanical Gardens: Allies in Food Security and Nutrition

There are opportunities to reach out to and collaborate with botanical gardens as fellow travelers in the progressive agri-food movement on issues of plant biodiversity, pollination, and food security.

World Bee Day 2018: Protecting the Pollinators

For the first time, the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization is observing May 20 as World Bee Day. The day is a celebration of the role of bees as pollinators in food systems as well as a call to action for the serious threats that bee populations face.

18 Organizations Promoting Regenerative Agriculture Around the Globe

Food Tank has created a list of 18 organizations dedicated to progressively improving agro-ecosystems and livelihoods all over the world.

“The Environment is our Economy”

Focusing on food waste, biodiversity, and externalities. Dr. Abdou Tenkouano discusses how the new TEEB AgriFood report optimizes all three.

Sustainable Soil Initiatives Making an Impact

Soils are the foundation for sustainable agricultural development and a key component of the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals. These innovative soil initiatives are leading the way in sustainable soil management.

Changing Women’s Lives in Ivory Coast

In West Africa where the percentage of women in poverty is growing, new technologies and crop varieties developed by the region’s leading researchers bring new opportunities for women and youths in terms of food and livelihood security.

Study Unearths Baltimore’s Vibrant Urban Foraging Community

A new study by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future details an active urban foraging community in Baltimore that collect more than 140 different kinds of fruits, nuts, leafy greens, and fungi.

How Tucson’s Edible Biodiversity is Increasing Food Security

A new study by the University of Arizona Center for Regional Food Studies reveals that Tucson, Arizona, in one of the top U.S. cities and an international leader in conserving and providing access to food biodiversity.

Gardens are emblems of resistance: Interview with Slow Food International Vice President

Mukiibi: “Local food traditions are very important in ensuring sustainable diets and creating resilience to climate change in many different communities.”

Bananageddon Film Examines How to Save America’s Favorite Fruit

America’s favorite fresh fruit, bananas, face extinction as we know them. New documentary examines how a shift in agriculture can save bananas and the workers who produce them.

Agricultural Biodiversity: “Technically, Financially, and Politically” Feasible

Food Tank spoke with Marie Haga, Executive DIrector of the Crop Trust, about its new Food Forever Initiative.

Twenty Seed-Saving Initiatives Preserving Biodiversity Around the World

These 20 initiatives across the world are preserving seed biodiversity for future generations.

Addressing Climate Change Through Permaculture Principles

Aranya Agricultural Alternatives will host the 13th International Permaculture Convergence in Hyderabad, discussing the progress and challenges of permaculture movement, and the significance of permaculture principles and practices in transforming the modern day agriculture under the context of climate change and its impacts.

First Food Authors on Food Habits in the Changing Dietary Landscape of India

Sunita Narain and Vibha Varshney talk about the new book, First Food: Culture of Taste, the importance of local and seasonal food in creating a healthy and diverse diet, and the need to challenge the junk food culture.

Preserving Pollinators in Kenya

Land-grabbing and deforestation have destroyed much of the Mau Forest in Kenya. It is home to the Ogiek community, who have subsisted on the honey of native bees in the forest for hundreds of years.

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