Fighting Food Waste for World Food Day

FAO estimates that if we managed to eat all the food we currently waste, we could feed every hungry person in the world—four times over

Join Chocothon in Washington, D.C.: Hacking for a More Sustainable Cocoa Industry

Chocothon is a sustainable innovation initiative that aims to empower and connect cocoa farmers, creating new opportunities for them and other value chain stakeholders in cocoa production.

Escaping the Consumer Trap

It’s become normal to talk about people as consumers in relation to food. But a new report from UK-based organizations the New Citizenship Project and the Food Ethics Council argues this language and its associated ideas create a fundamental barrier to the change we need.

This Company is Using Food to Preserve Food and Fight Food Waste

Apeel Sciences have developed Edipeel, an invisible peel made from plant material which dramatically slows the rate of produce spoil and providing benefits to growers, distributors, and consumers.

Celebrating Rural Women’s Vital Contribution to Agriculture

October 15 is the United Nations’ International Day of Rural Women, a day to celebrate and honor the invaluable contributions of rural women to agricultural and rural development.

The Plight of Jamaica’s Small-Scale Coffee Farmers to Climate Change

BCFN Alumni Anne-Teresa Birthwright discusses how climate change is pushing small-scale coffee farmers in Jamaica towards new realities.

Sundari Kraft: “People eat more veggies when they take part in gardening”

How Sundari Kraft is changing the Denver food system and cleaning up food swamps through education, grassroots movement building, and policy change.

BCFN Presents Eighth International Forum Live on Twitter

BCFN will present the details of its upcoming Eighth International Forum on Food and Nutrition live on Twitter on October 12, 2017, from 5:30am EST (11:30 CEST).

New Investigative Series: Indonesia For Sale

Indonesia for Sale, an in-depth series on politicians, palm oil plantation companies, and deforestation in Indonesia, highlights the country’s current conflict over land.

In “Trash Empire,” Dumpster Diving Success Sheds Light on Food Waste

Dumpster diving success led filmmaker William Reid to live on food waste from supermarkets and restaurants for two years. Reid hopes the “absurdity” of his diet will lead to consumer, industry, and policy action.

FAO Highlights Rural-Urban Connections to Reduce Hunger

The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization have just released the 2017 State of Food and Agriculture report. Connecting rural areas with surrounding cities and towns will create more sustainable food systems and help alleviate rural poverty, the report argues.

Hurricane Maria Has Devastated Puerto Rico’s Farmland

Hurricane Maria is the strongest storm to hit Puerto Rico in almost a century. Major flooding and landslides have caused extensive damage to farmland and crops, and there is an urgent need for emergency food and water supplies.

Total Health Costs of Industrial Food Systems Are “Staggering,” Says New Report

An international team of experts has released a report documenting the “staggering” health costs of industrial food systems globally and the extent to which negative health impacts are experienced unequally.

Agricultural Biodiversity: “Technically, Financially, and Politically” Feasible

Food Tank spoke with Marie Haga, Executive DIrector of the Crop Trust, about its new Food Forever Initiative.

Food Loves Tech Conference Will Explore Food’s Not-Too-Distant Future

Innovators and enthusiasts will explore food’s not-too-distant future at Food Loves Tech, an “education-by-entertainment” expo in Brooklyn, New York, on November 3 and 4.

This World Food Day, Broadway Stars Lead “Dance for Hurricane Recovery” Event in NYC Supporting Food Relief for Puerto Rico and the Caribbean

This World Food Day (Monday, October 16), join Broadway stars and Food Tank in an immersive dance workout called Garjana. One hundred percent of ticket revenue will fund hurricane relief efforts in the Caribbean through #GiveHealthy, the Feeding America Network, and World Food Program USA.

Less and Better Meat is Key for a Healthier Planet

The University of Oxford’s Food Climate Research Network (FCRN) recently released a new report titled “Grazed and Confused” to examine whether grass-fed beef is good or bad for the climate but failed to account for the many environmental, animal welfare, and health benefits of well-managed, pasture-raised animals.

New Research Reveals the Better Way to Eat Pasta

To better understand pasta’s role in the American diet, Barilla funded an examination of the relationship between pasta consumption, diet patterns, and diet quality.

Food Security and Agriculture in Haiti Hit Hard by Hurricane Irma

In the weeks following Hurricane Irma, humanitarian organizations launch responses and request funding to help Haiti through food insecurity and agricultural destruction.

19 Farm-to-School Initiatives Making an Impact

To celebrate national Farm-to-School Month, Food Tank has compiled a list of 19 unique, innovative, and effective farm-to-school programs from around the globe.

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