
Agricultural Intelligence: What AI Can Do for Smallholder Farmers

Farmers have always been natural data scientists, conducting experiments and collecting data in their fields. Now, with the advent of Big Data, there are new opportunities to create information systems like the CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture that can make farming more efficient, profitable, and sustainable.

Fighting for Farm Workers’ Rights, “Boycotts Always Work”

On Food Talk, FLOC founder and President Baldemar Velasquez tells how migrant farm workers surmount harsh conditions as a union of families.

A Local Food Revolution in Puerto Rico

A year has passed since Hurricane Maria first made landfall in Puerto Rico, destroying homes, roads, and vehicles in its path—and taking thousands of lives. Using agroecology has allowed Puerto Rican farmers to envisage an agriculture system not reliant on external inputs.

Farming the Cities: An Excerpt from Nourished Planet

The majority of the world’s population will live in urban areas in the next 30 years, making cities central to the future of food production. Urban farmers play a key role in the development of innovative agricultural methods.

Ditch the Discounts This Coffee Day

National Coffee Day in the United States is September 29. Choosing more sustainable options can support farmers and help drive demand for sustainable coffee. This year, Fairtrade America and Conservation International suggests celebrating coffee in a way that honors the people and the work that goes into it.

Farming Better Isn’t Enough: We Need to Protect Land

Niman Ranch farmers Jan and Steve Petersen are breaking beyond what it typically means to be a farmer, inspiring conservation and sustainable practices in their community.

Re: Response to Fred Haberman on Making Organic Mainstream

“I was dismayed to read the article ‘Making Organic Mainstream.’ I am one of a group of old-time organic farmers who have been battling against the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for allowing hydroponic, aquaponic, etc. to be certified ‘organic.'”

Opinion | The Climate Change Mitigation Potential of Organic Agriculture

Instead of investing billions of dollars in a model that doesn’t nourish communities or the environment, policymakers must redirect funds to incentivize organic and conservation agriculture — a far more effective approach to improving food security, environmental sustainability and human health.

“Everybody Should Be a Farmer,” Says Paul Willis

On Food Talk, Paul Willis, founder of Niman Ranch Pork Company, and Elle Gadient, intern at Niman Ranch, talk about their love for humanely treated, free-range pigs and the farmers that raise them.

Making Organic Mainstream

Fred Haberman’s marketing agency and aquaponics farm have helped push organic into the mainstream, leading the way for a more transparent food system and, little-by-little, reducing our dependence on chemical agriculture.

Toward a Greener Revolution: An Excerpt from Nourished Planet

Dr. Sieglinde Snapp discusses the importance of the ‘Rainbow Revolution’ in Nourished Planet. Agricultural systems that value diversity and build farmers’ capacity can create a more sustainable and resilient food system.

Innovations in Climate Smart Agriculture offer South Asian Farmers Prosperity, Part 2

The challenges associated with food security in South Asia are exacerbated by long-term changes in average temperatures, precipitation, and climate variability. Adaptation to climate change is necessary to ensure food security and protect livelihoods of poor farmers.

Innovations in Climate Smart Agriculture offer South Asian Farmers Prosperity, Part 1

Natural resources are under increasingly more stress in South Asia due to agricultural intensification, urbanization, population growth, increasing climate change risks, and difficulties related to land degradation. Techniques like zero tillage, double cropping, and tools developed by CIMMYT can help mitigate these challenges.

Betting the Farm: Big Data in Agriculture

At the intersection of climate change, agriculture, and economy, strategic foresight modeling looks ahead to inform better decisionmaking in agriculture.

Grabbing Land: An Excerpt from Nourished Planet

Land grabbing occurs when private investors, often encouraged by governments, purchase and take over control of farmland. This escalates food price volatility, food insecurity, and poverty, which is most burdensome on rural and developing areas.

“Agriculture Must Be Inclusive In Its Diversity,” for Food System Change

Karen Washington wants people to imagine a new face for American farmers: the workers on farms who produce the world’s food yet often face discrimination and food insecurity.

Helping Refugees Become Sustainable Farmers

New Roots for Refugees works with refugees to build independence through farming. Empowering graduates of the program to acquire their own land, they hope farmers will expand their businesses and continue selling produce at local markets. 

Vote With Your Wallet and Change the Food System

Dr. Gunars Platais discusses the complexity of economics in the food system. He shows how every decision in the food system has both intended and unintended consequences and that an integrated approach can increase public interest in the food system.

The Obesity Paradox: An Excerpt from Nourished Planet

The coexistence of hunger and obesity has created a disturbing paradox worldwide. Hunger cannot be solved simply through increasing food production. Nourished Planet examines the underlying structural issues causing these imbalances and explores solutions.

Tech Startup Changing Food Aid in Liberia

Taylor Quinn is the Emerging Markets Director for the US food-tech startup, JUST. Initially, JUST sent him to Liberia to start an educational project. Quinn soon found an opportunity to approach food aid in a totally new way. Now they are selling JUST Power Gari.

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