
Fusarium Wilt Disease Threatens Worldwide Banana Supply

Bananas are one of the world’s most popular fruits and more than 400 million people depend on banana crops for their livelihood. But a new strain of a destructive disease, Fusarium wilt, threatens the global banana supply.

Creating Passion for Supporting Future Farmers

First Generation Farmers recently launched its Urban Edge Sustainable Farmers training program, demonstrating passion for supporting the next generation of farmers.

Ag Is “Not a Question of Winners and Losers”

The Gilbert Family share their story, their advice to aspiring farmers, and their hopes for the future of food and agriculture.

Rebuilding Agricultural Subsidies from the Ground Up

Greater use of improved seed and fertilizer will not be enough for sustainable farming systems in Africa, according to new article on fertilizer subsidy programs.

Opinion: The Republican Farm Bill is as Broken as our Food System

As Congress battles over this year’s Farm Bill — the massive US$87 billion a year legislation dictating the nation’s food and farming policies — it’s critical we spend all this money wisely. As taxpayers and eaters, everyone has a stake in making sure this huge investment results in a healthier food system for the future.

Seeds Bring New Life during the Ebola Crisis

Responding to Ebola, this initiative distributed thousands of tons of seeds to the countries most affected by the crisis.

Using Blockchain Technology to Bring Transparency to Food

Initially thought of as a tool for banking, blockchain technology has continued to develop and new research shows it can increase sustainability, efficiency, and transparency in the food system.

The Small Seed Changing West Africa

Groceries for a good cause? Fonio may be the answer. Food industry veteran Philip Teverow’s newest initiative, Yolélé Foods, makes it easy to try this new super-grain and make a difference in the lives of West African farmers.

Farmer Friday: Producing Better Pork

Farmer Friday’s Phil Kramer comes from a long history of Niman Ranch pork production. Check out how he sees pork farming evolving and why food education is important for consumers.

Op-ed: Can Food Retailers Develop Policies That Drive Sustainable Agriculture?

While U.S. retailers have struggled to create policies that drive sustainability on the farm, a recent Stanford study reports on the success of one South African retailer.

Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition YES! Finalist Chris Maughan on Agroecology Innovations for Social Justice and Sustainability

BCFN Alumni Chris Maughan describes the rise of the agroecology movement, the biggest obstacles to agroecological development, and how the SHIFFT project is working to support agroecological innovations across Europe.

Farmer Friday: April Wilson on Food Education and Small Farms

Niman Ranch farmer, April Wilson, talks about the importance of knowing where your food comes from, interacting with the animals and the land, and inspiring people to farm.

World Water Day 2018: Working with Nature to Improve Global Water Management

The theme for this year’s World Water Day is “Nature for Water.” Read more about the annual UNESCO World Water Development Report and opportunities to combine traditional water infrastructure projects with nature-based solutions.

Fair Trade Conference Explores the Roles of Campuses and Communities in Equity and Trade

The Fair Trade Campaigns Conference renews commitment of universities and communities to conducting operations with equity in trade in mind, opening up opportunities for marginalized producers.

How Washington State is Helping to Grow the Next Generation of Farmers

Mia Gregerson, a State Representative for Washington State, discusses how youth will play a role in the next generation of farmers and policy makers.

Farmer Friday: Aaron Williams on Generational Family Farms and Land Preservation

Farmer Friday’s Aaron Williams describes his gratitude toward Niman Ranch and the economic importance of supporting small local farmers.

Melony Edwards: “Land is the basis of freedom, justice, and equality”

Farm Manager Melony Edwards sat down with Food Tank to discuss food system challenges such as racial disparities in land access and unequal crop subsidies.

Leveraging Big Data for Women in Agricultural Development

Women play a critical role in agricultural development around the world while facing significant barriers from gender inequality. Researchers at CGIAR are working to dismantle these barriers, using the Platform for Big Data in Agriculture to incorporate new tools for data collection and big data analytics.

New Australian Alliance Building Farmers Markets

The Farmers Market Alliance of New South Wales, Australia, is working to protect the reputation and integrity of Australian farmers markets and support local farmers and artisan producers.

Anne-Teresa Birthwright: Improving Jamaica’s Food System, Agriculture, and Farmer Practices

Check out Anne-Teresa Birthwright, a female in the food industry who is working towards addressing farmers’ concerns in one of Jamaica’s primary agricultural areas – the coffee industry.

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