Indigenous Knowledge

Bringing Native Plants Back to Indigenous Diets in Indonesia

Mantasa is rewriting the narrative of food and nutrition sovereignty in Indonesia by reincorporating Indigenous wisdom and native wild plants.

Honoring Indigenous Food Systems With A-dae Romero-Briones

On “Food Talk with Dani Nierenberg,” Dani speaks with the Director of Programs – Native Agriculture and Food Systems for First Nations Development Institute, A-dae Romero-Briones. They discuss the work of First Nations, kincentric ecology and land stewardship, as well…

Upcoming Event on Reclaiming Identity through Native Food Systems

Join FAO North America in their discussion on “Gather:” a film exploring Native American resilience and the path to reclaiming Native food systems.

Native-led Nonprofit Tackles Food Insecurity on Reservations

Native-led Partnership with Native Americans is supporting rural reservations in the fight against food insecurity during the pandemic.

Nigerian Chefs Work to Revive Indigenous Seasonings

Nigerian chefs Tunde Wey and Ozoz Sokoh are working to revive iru, an indigenous West African fermented seasoning.

Fair Trade Kampot Pepper Helps Cambodian Farmers and Canadian Food Banks

The 50 Million Meals Campaign is working with a collective of 400 small, organic pepper farmers in Southern Cambodia to develop a community-based, fair trade distribution system for the Kampot pepper.

A South Indian Researcher is on a Quest to Find Forgotten Foods

A local South Indian researcher is highlighting forgotten foods of the region’s past and reintroducing them to the world.

Indigenous Peoples Hold the Past and Future of Food in Their Hands

International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples offers an opportunity to give thanks to the Indigenous cultures who steward the land and protect the world’s biodiversity.

28 Organizations Promoting Indigenous Food Sovereignty

These 28 organizations are preserving Indigenous food systems and promoting Indigenous food sovereignty.

A Call for Community-Based Seed Diversity During the COVID-19 Pandemic

COVID-19 is pushing America’s seed diversity and sovereignty to a crisis point — and how we respond could affect our food security and even national security for years to come, writes Gary Paul Nabhan.

New on the Podcast: Emily Broad Leib and Doug O’Brien Talk International Food Donation, and Chef Pierre Thiam Calls for Fonio on American Tables

On Food Talk Live: Dani talks with the creators of the new Global Food Donation Policy Atlas about mapping food donation and waste. Then, chef Pierre Thiam introduces the ancient African grain fonio and its potential to fight food insecurity and climate change.

These 18 Organizations Are Building a Stronger Food System Through Agroecology

The agroecology movement encourages farmers to use farming techniques that have many environmental, social, and economic benefits including increased biodiversity and education for women and youth.

Colby Duren Talks Indigenous Food and Agriculture Policy

Dani and Colby discuss food and agriculture policy from Tribal governments to the federal government. They also talk about the importance of teaching youth about agriculture, business, policy, and nutrition.

15 Indigenous Crops to Boost Your Immune System and Celebrate Biodiversity

Indigenous crops that are rich in nutrients like vitamins C and D, zinc, and iron can boost immune systems as well as the planet’s biodiversity—improving resilience to climate change, rebuilding soils, and supporting wildlife.

Maureen Muketha Discusses Tule Vyema’s Efforts to Boost Food Security in Kenya with Sack Farming

On Food Talk Live, Dani speaks with nutritionist Maureen Muketha, the founder of Tule Vyema. In the city of Kiserian, Kenya, Tule Vyema teaches young women how to cultivate indigenous crops that can help them eat more nutritiously and be more food secure.

India’s ‘Seed Warrior’ Builds Living Seed Banks to Preserve Agricultural Diversity

India’s ‘Seed Warrior’ Debal Deb has preserved 1,410 rare and folk varieties of rice to save them from extinction, promote food sovereignty, and fight corporate control of seeds.

Nonprofit Teaches Seed Saving To Restore Farmers’ Food Sovereignty

Farmers can strengthen their resilience to climate change by savings seeds that are adapted to the environmental conditions of their region.

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