Meat Alternatives Warrant More Research, Says Johns Hopkins Study

A new review from the Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future compares plant-based substitutes and cell-based meats to farmed meat.

Net-Zero Emissions Future in Latin America and the Caribbean Offers Jobs

A recent report finds that Latin America and the Caribbean can create 19 million net jobs in plant-based agriculture by 2030 with a decarbonized economy.

How Food Systems Can Reverse Climate Change

On “Food Talk with Dani Nierenberg” Dani talks about the impacts of the climate change and the ways we can change the food system to improve the environment.

36 Organizations Helping Solve the Climate Crisis

These 36 organizations can connect you to climate solutions, no matter if you’re already a climate activist or someone who wants to learn more.

Which Grocery Retailers Make the Grade on Bee-friendly Food?

A new scorecard ranks leaders and laggards on protecting pollinators from toxic pesticides in supply chains amid an “insect apocalypse.”

The Pandemic Almost Killed My Restaurants. The Climate Crisis Will Be Worse.

The climate crisis threatens restaurants and the livelihood of workers. The time is now to reconsider our diets and the impact that consumers’ eating habits have on the planet.

Food Tank’s Fall 2020 Reading List

As the cool weather sets in, Food Tank is here with a list of 22 books to inspire hope for the food system’s future.

Study Says Wild Crops Can Bolster Food Access in Arid Climates

A recent study suggests reintroducing wild crops to bolster food security, restore local ecosystems, and improve community health in desert regions.

Agriculture Subsidies Can Fight Climate Change and Protect Food Security, According to World Bank

Agriculture subsidies have the potential to fund conservation efforts that mitigate climate change and increase food security, according to a new report.

Farm Workers Are Facing Two Crises as Wildfires Burn in the West

On the latest episode of the podcast, featuring conversations with Baldemar Velásquez of FLOC, Teresa Romero of the UFW, and Sonia Singh and Suzanne Adely of the Food Chain Workers Alliance, focuses on farm workers, climate change, and protections for essential workers.

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