Op-Ed | Microfinance Empowers Women and Builds Community Resilience

Micro-enterprises bring women power, self-sufficiency and, importantly, and freedom from social and economic barriers.

Transforming Chennai with Rooftop Gardens

In Chennai, CUFI is revolutionizing urban spaces with rooftop gardens, promoting community health, sustainability, and empowerment.

Social Enterprise in India Revives Lost Foodways

C.Green Organic Future works toward sustainability for the planet and local communities as it tries to revive traditional foodways.

Climate Change is Driving India’s Heat Waves, Increasing Wheat Prices

Climate change has increased the likelihood and intensity of heatwaves in India, forcing farmers to adapt.

13 Global Food Banks Reshaping Food Distribution to Address the Root Causes of Hunger

Food Tank is highlighting 13 global food banks adapting their models to address systemic issues in the food system and ensure dignity and agency.

India Revives its Traditions of Wild Foods

Consumption of wild foods, packed with micronutrients, is on the decline. But communities are working to re-introduce these native crops to eaters’ diets and preserve traditional knowledge.

Nipah Virus Reemerges in India

Farmers worry how the concerns over the virus might impact demand for their products.

Asian Pacific Islander Voices: Books on Food and Culture

Food Tank’s book list centers Asian and Pacific Islander voices and showcases books on AAPI food and culture.

M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation Event: Food and Nutrition Security among COVID-19 and Climate Change

This event, hosted by India’s M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, will focus on issues of food and nutrition insecurity among the COVID-19 pandemic and the climate crisis. Food Tank’s president, Danielle Nierenberg, will deliver a lecture during this event on the importance of biodiversity, dietary diversity, nutrition security and cultural heritage within the food system.

The Last Straw or a New Beginning?

India’s new farm acts might be the last straw for the country’s small-holders. As protests continue, could this lead to a new beginning for farmers?

India’s Blue Revolution Targets Investments in Seaweed

A multi-million dollar investment in the Indian Seaweed sector is helping grow cottage and cooperative businesses for 1 million in India.

A South Indian Researcher is on a Quest to Find Forgotten Foods

A local South Indian researcher is highlighting forgotten foods of the region’s past and reintroducing them to the world.

COVID-19 and the Global Food Supply: Big Lessons from the World’s Small Farms

Successes in farming communities from Nepal to Guatemala hold lessons for those in the U.S. who see small-scale farms as one way to build resilience. Though each success story is different, the communities often share three commonalities.

Being A Democracy Activist Is Part of Food Work

Frances Moore Lappé discovers why hunger exists across the world: because agribusiness dollars are fueling politics and extracting from the land.

Using Greenhouses to Help Farmers Build Climate Resilience

Nonprofit Kheyti has designed an affordable greenhouse which allows farmers to grow seven times the amount of food using 90 percent less water, stabilize incomes, and build climate resilience.

Eat Local, Think Global: Rujuta Diwekar Talks Global Health Research

Rujuta Diwekar’s fitness initiative initially began as an effort to make nutrition accessible for everyday people in India. It’s findings make the case for a culturally relevant, regional approach to global nutrition policy.

Chef’s Smart Recipes for Customers, Farmers and the Planet

Indian Chef Anahita Dhondy cooks with millets, providing people with an opportunity to discover how beneficial smart foods are for their health, farmers, and the planet.

Opinion | Bringing Food Cold Chains to More People in India

Only 4 percent of India’s perishable crops move through cold-chains, a big reason why food losses and malnourishment are still pervasive in the world’s second most populous country.

To Have and to Throw: Tackling Indian Wedding Food Waste

Culture, rising incomes, and an appetite for global cuisines are fueling massive food waste by Indian weddings.

Indian Celebrity Chef Cooks Up Traditional Grains and Fair Prices for Farmers

Ranveer Brar is an Indian celebrity chef who informs consumers about traditional cooking, while also empowering farmers through his work with International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT).

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