New Orleans Healthy Snack Company Hopes to Make a Change

Brass Roots, a New Orleans-based snack company, is working to create healthy snacks while giving back to local youth groups and international farmers.

Corporate Accountability Report Details Big Business Influence On Nutrition Policy

A recent report from the global campaign Corporate Accountability uncovers conflicts of interest and misrepresented science that influence nutrition standards around the world. The report, “Partnership for an Unhealthy Planet: How Big Business Interferes with Global Health Policy and Science,”…

How COVID-19 is Affecting Refugees

Organizations find ways to support food security to refugees during COVID-19 lockdowns.

New on the Podcast: Lawrence Haddad on Promoting Nutritious Foods, Josef Schmidhuber on Agricultural Economics

Josef Schmidhuber on how economic research can build a more equitable and sustainable food system, Haddad on malnutrition and helping small businesses

New on the Podcast: Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian On Creating Healthier American Diets and Nutrition Programs

On Food Talk Live: Dani speaks with Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian, a cardiologist and the dean of the Tufts University Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy. They discuss the impact of food on our immune systems and how politicians should respond to modern nutrition challenges.

Feeding America’s Kids During COVID-19

Faced with nation-wide closures in response to COVID-19, school authorities and partners are stepping up to feed the 30 million children depending on school food service each day.

7 Places Where Soda Taxes Are Working

Soda taxes in these seven cities and countries are working, leading to decreased soda sales and sugar consumption since going into effect.

COVID-19 Puts the Global Food System at Risk

COVID-19 threatens the health of supply chains and could cause four shocks to global food system. Governments must act to mitigate the potential negative impacts of the virus and protect the most vulnerable.

VeggieRx Is Feeding Central Oregon’s Most Vulnerable Communities

High Desert Food & Farm Alliance’s VeggieRx program aims to encourage sustainable, healthy eating habits among Central Oregon’s most vulnerable communities.

We Must Meet The Needs Of Those Most Affected By COVID-19, Says Kimbal & Christiana Musk

Today on “Food Talk with Dani Nierenberg,” Dani interviews Kimbal and Christiana Musk. They discuss the importance of providing nutritious meals for students who are food insecure and rely on school lunches for sustenance.

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