Books + Films

Food Tank’s Reading List: 17 Books to Dig into this Spring

Mussels, cheeses, and biofuels. Permaculture and mini farms. Presidential chefs and scientists. Food Tank’s Spring reading list is a feast for the mind and stomach.

Food Values: What We Choose to Eat and What We Throw Away

Tama Matsuoka discusses how modern cultural values about which food is good and which is bad cause consumers to waste food, and how to change that.

Under Contract: Documentary Exposes Hardships of Contract Farming

Under Contract: Farmers and the Fine Print gives a voice to farmers who are trapped in merciless production contracts. The documentary allows farmers and industry experts to describe how production contracts—the new face of modern agriculture—is reshaping rural America

Letters to a Young Farmer: Stone Barns Center Releases Its First Book

Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture released Letters to a Young Farmer, a book which compiles insight from some of the most influential farmers, writers, and leaders in the food system in an anthology of essays and letters.

Food Tank’s Reading List: 17 Books for Winter 2017

Check out these latest and upcoming releases from farmers, biologists, and food leaders to inform and inspire a food revolution in 2017.

Twenty Magazines for People Who Eat, Cook, or Grow

These 19 magazines offer stories, news, and research on the latest food and agriculture news.

One Hundred Thousand Beating Hearts focuses on regenerative farming

As a re-generational farmer Will Harris manages a living ecosystem centered on sustainability, animal welfare, and humane agricultural and environmental stewardship.

Meghan Carreau is Making School Lunch More Nutritious—and Fun!

Food Tank spoke with Meghan Carreau, the founder of the new kid-centric meal delivery service, TuckrBox.

17 Big Bets for a Sustainable Future

With contributions from global leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs, 17 Big Bets for a Better World outlines a range of perspectives on reaching SDGs.

22 Books That Educate and Inspire #LaborDay2016

Twenty-two new books selected by Food Tank for fall 2016 that enlighten, educate, and inspire changemakers in the food movement.

Dr. Maya Shetreat-Klein on Health and the Microbiome

Food Tank had the opportunity to speak with Dr. Maya Shetreat-Klein, a pediatric neurologist, herbalist, urban farmer, naturalist, and author of The Dirt Cure.

New Documentary Features Regenerative Farming Practices at Polyface Farm

Joel Salatin\’92s Polyface Farm is featured in a new documentary, Polyfaces.

Food Tank’s Summer 2016 Reading List

Food Tank has hand picked 16 books that educate, inform, and inspire us in a wide range of topics.

The First 1,000 Days by Roger Thurow: Eliminating Global Malnutrition 1,000 Days at a Time

Roger Thurow’s The First 1,000 Days follows 12 women from 4 countries as they struggle to provide the best care for their babies in the crucial first 1000 days.

Eighteen Food-Focused Books You Must Read This Spring

Food Tank has selected 18 books that will inspire and inform readers on topics ranging from food justice to urban composting to local food systems.

Groundbreaking New Book: Eating Planet

The publication addresses three paradoxes in the food system—food waste, the coexistence of malnutrition and obesity, and the overuse of natural resources.

Culinary Comics: 10 Comics as Delicious as they are Delightful

These delectable comics will satisfy any appetite. Pick one up and expand your palate for both the culinary and sequential arts.

What’s the Buzz? Media That’s All About Agriculture

These media sources from around the world explore food, agriculture, and sustainability.

Food Tank’s 2016 Winter Reading List

Food Tank’s winter reading list for 2016 is a unique collection of compelling books on sustainable agriculture, recipes, nutrition, and food history.

Food Tank’s Favorite Books of 2015

Food Tank’s favorite books from 2015 include both fresh and familiar titles, and explore topics ranging from ethical meat consumption to global food security.

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