
Seed-to-Farm-to-Table: Dan Barber Introduces His New Enterprise, Row 7

Ten years ago, Dan Barber was having a conversation in his kitchen with Michael Mazourek, a Cornell University seed breeder, about growing a more flavorful butternut squash. This collaboration is the starting point for Barber’s new company, Row 7, which will bring together chefs and seed breeders from around the country to develop new varieties of vegetables.

Vicki Wilde on the Benefits of Women’s Agricultural Empowerment

Vicki Wilde, senior program officer at the Gates Foundation, explains the importance of women’s role in the agriculture sector and the need to ensure that their voices are heard.

The Future of Coffee Depends on You(th)

Farmers around the world are aging, and there are few young people prepared to take their place. Global food security will depend on cultivating the next generation of farmers.

Guy Kilpatric: Growing the Next Generation of Food Leaders

Guy Kilpatric, manager of the University of Maryland’s Terp Farm, weighs in on methods to encourage and teach aspiring farmers about economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable agricultural practices.

Jennifer Schmidt’s Passion for Agriculture is Inspiring Sustainable Practices

Jennifer Schmidt, a farmer and leader in the sustainable farming movement, spoke with Food Tank about a variety of issues facing the agricultural system, like climate change and diminishing opportunities for new farmers, and shared some solutions to these problems.

Meredith Epstein is Transforming Agricultural Education

Meredith Epstein, the head of the University of Maryland’s Sustainable Agriculture program, shares the importance of teaching new farmers, the challenges that new farmers face, and strategies to inspire the next generation of sustainable farmers.

Quality Meat from Quality Care: An Interview with Niman Ranch Farmer Randy Gadient

Randy Gadient, a Niman Rancher and hog farmer, explains why connecting with animals, involving more young farmers, and reviving small farms are key to changing the food system.

Fall Armyworm : A Threat to Africa’s Food Security

The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization promotes awareness and provides resources to smallholders to help mitigate Fall Armyworm infestation in Africa.

The Airfield Estate: “Ireland produces some of the best food in the world”

The Airfield Estate uses its century-old charitable heritage to inspire new change in the way visitors see food and the sources it comes from

True Cost Accounting Can Positively Impact All Facets of U.S. Food System

Long-time organic farmer, Anne Schwartz talks about True Cost Accounting, and the positive social and environmental implications of integrating local, organic, and small-farms into food system policy.

Turning a Restaurant Into a Social Movement: A Conversation with Dan Simons of Founding Farmers

Dan Simons of Founding Farmers talks about the importance of responsible, sustainable practices in his business and why supporting independent farmers should matter to everyone.

Liz Whitehurst on How to Better Connect Food Systems and People

Owl’s Nest farmer and D.C. Food Summit speaker Liz Whitehurst shares her advice on ways that we can all become more connected to our local food systems and each other through community supported agriculture and cooking.

Farmer Fridays: Scott Sibbel on Sustainable and Humane Farm Practices

Scott Sibbel, a Niman Ranch farmer, tells how sustainable, traditional, and humane farming techniques are transforming the U.S. food system.

Bennett Haynes: “Farmers Deserve the Opportunity to Succeed”

Bennett Haynes, Chief of Produce of Beefsteak, tells Food Tank about his work, his inspiration, and opportunities he sees for farmers in development, marketing, and making connections with others in the food system.

New Report: Rural American Workers Still Struggle to Recover from Great Recession

President Trump’s Task Force on Agricultural and Rural Prosperity reveals hardships of rural life after the Great Recession.

Soil Carbon Sequestration Is a Solution to Climate Change

Tucker of Kiss the Ground shares the importance of soil carbon sequestration and soil health for the wellbeing of humanity and the environment.

Ndidi Nwuneli: Unlocking the Potential of Agriculture and Nutrition in West Africa

Focusing on the well-being and improved lives of West African farmers, Ndidi Nwuneli talks about passion and seeking change in her local state and throughout West Africa.

Antanitis: “Farming is a lifestyle that is very similar to the military”

Antanitis is a farmer, healthcare professional, and veteran with a passion for helping others and providing opportunities within organic agriculture.

The U.N. General Assembly Officially Declares the Decade of Family Farming

The U.N. General Assembly passed a resolution aiming to ignite international efforts to support family farmers and their roles in developing hunger and poverty solutions.

More Investment in Small-Scale Agriculture Needed

A new report by international network More and Better provides an overview of global investments in agriculture, stating that more investment in sustainable small-scale agriculture in needed.

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