
Unique Learning Laboratory is Giving City Kids the Opportunity to Explore Sustainable Agriculture

City Growers is creating unique and forward-thinking programs for youth across New York City to explore agriculture and sustainability.

Cali Food Leaders Talk to Discuss Equity in Food System

West Coast food leaders are fed up with an unaffordable, inaccessible, inequitable food system: in San Francisco and LA, Food Tank is collaborating on solutions with these speakers.

Our Understanding of Food Isn’t Good Enough in D.C.

As part of Food Tank’s first bi-monthly event on Capitol Hill on May 10, moderator Frank Sesno sat down with Congresswoman Chellie Pingree, Geeta Sethi, and Norbert Wilson to talk about the areas of the food system that policies must address for improved health world-wide.

Celebrating the Mediterranean Diet’s Impact on Health and the Planet

This May, International Mediterranean Diet Month acknowledges the impacts conscious eating can have on mental, physical, and planetary health across the world.

Break Silos Between Food and Health for Better Policy

On May 10, Food Tank visited the U.S. Capitol, joining experts like Kathleen Merrigan, Robert Graham, Gregory Cooper, and Rep. James P. McGovern to define the connection between agriculture and health for better food policy.

Eating Organic for One Week Can Reduce Pesticide Levels

Researchers found that eating organic food for one week had significantly reduced levels of toxins within the body, and in turn, reduce the health risks of pesticide exposure.

Food Doing Good: Putting Sustainability on Plates in the U.K.

The Sustainable Restaurant Association challenges food businesses in the U.K. to take the lead on sustainability by cutting meat, food waste, and single-use plastic from their plates

Cancer Schmancer: “We Are the Boss” in Our Health Says Drescher

“With the right kind of motivation and education, young people can actually become the change we so desperately need” in the health system, says Drescher.

“The farmer is literally hedging their bets” in Eastern and Southern Africa

Drought tolerant crops that deliver nutrition and income to farmers could bring more food security to the region. Dr. Moses Siambi from ICRISAT explains how relying on single, water-intensive crops during dry periods can be risky.

Maxfield Kaniger’s Kanbe’s Markets: A Piece for the Food Insecurity Puzzle

With convenient coolers and healthy food, Max Kaniger is helping close the gap between food insecurity and food waste in Kansas City.

Cold Conundrum? Getting Nutritious Food to More People in Ethiopia

While agricultural production of fruits and vegetables has surged in recent decades, millions of Ethiopians are still not eating them. Children are hit the hardest by poor-quality diets, with millions suffering from growth-limiting stunting.

Canada’s Revised Food Guide Makes Plant-forward Suggestions

Canada’s much anticipated revised food guide includes some major changes, like suggestions to eat more plant-based proteins and reduce consumption of processed foods.

10 Plant Forward Cookbooks that Make Greener Eating Easier

Chefs and cookbook authors show the potential of reaching a nutritious, sustainable food system by championing plant-based cooking.

Malnutrition: A Global Problem That Requires a Global Solution

“No country has a monopoly on the problem [of malnutrition], so no country has a monopoly on the solution: we all have to work together,” says Lawrence Haddad, Executive Director of the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition.

“Food Won’t Solve Hunger. Income Will.”

Choosing food as a solution to food insecurity may seem like the low-hanging fruit, but don’t let its simplicity fool you. The complexity of the crisis merits a deeper solution.

Two Reasons Why Three Billion People Aren’t Getting Adequate Nutrition

Because of high levels of food loss and waste—especially of nutrient-rich, perishable foods—as many as three billion people are consuming low-quality diets that result in micronutrient malnutrition as well as rising levels of obesity.

Paul Newnham: Breaking Down Silos to Achieve Sustainable Development for Food Security

Paul Newnham discusses his work at SDG2 Advocacy Hub, a platform for stakeholders to discuss and plan for the United Nation’s goal of zero hunger and more sustainable agriculture by 2030.

Karen Karp: Working with All Stakeholders for a Better Food System

Dani Nierenberg interviews Karen Karp about how her consulting company focuses on economics and works with diverse stakeholders to develop regional food systems, increase access to healthy foods, and expand sustainable agriculture.

Re-introducing a Nutrition-Packed Berry in the Midwest

In Hartsburg, Missouri, Terry Durham created River Hills Harvest so elderberry growers throughout the Central United States could benefit from shared knowledge about sustainable growing practices and marketing.

Healthy Diet, Healthy Planet: An Excerpt from The Truth About Food

The Truth About Food, a new book by Dr. David Katz, president The True Health Initiative, digs through the lies and the fads about healthy eating and shows that science clearly shows us that a diet based in whole foods and mostly plants is best for both your health and the planet.

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