Women are playing a huge role in saving seeds around the world: and in turn, the seeds are playing critical roles in their health, culture, and resilience.
Opinion | How An Innovative Grain CSA Encourages Sustainable Food Systems
An innovative model of Community Supported Agriculture tackles the challenges of small-scale organic farming and food loss in Manitoba, Canada.
Opinion | Trees: Generous Wild Hosts for Refugees in Uganda
From refugees from South Sudan, trees form a significant part of their story from when they flee from political war to their arrival in settlements.
Opinion | Sustainable Diets for the Future
Sustainable diets are pivotal in global warming mitigation, but some actions can make our diet more sustainable, to the benefit of health and environment.
Opinion | Fixing Livestock Emissions Metrics
Are we looking at the livestock industry’s GHG emissions holistically—and can a framework help turn livestock into a solution for climate change?
Opinion | There Are Many Gains to Be Had from Reducing Food Losses
“FAO’s close review of what we know about food loss offers a reminder that there is no one-size-fits-all solution,” says Máximo Torero.
Opinion | GMO Animals: From Lab to Factory Farm
A new wave of genetically modified animals is coming. Friends of the Earth’s Dana Perls calls for an end to altering animals—in favor of fixing farms.
Opinion | Why Talk of Regenerative Agriculture Should Include Pesticide Reduction
Soil carbon sequestration is becoming a topic for farmers and politicians alike—but which conversations will distinguish sustainability from trend?
Opinion | The Rise of the Superbugs—and Why Industrial Farming Is to Blame
The power of antibiotics is diminishing. As farmers and agribusiness leaders still rely on antibiotics to keep their livestock healthy, should they be concerned for the future?
Opinion | What Type of Tortillas Should the Mexican President Like?
Tortillas are a fundamental mainstay of the Mexican table and synthesize many agricultural, environmental, social, and nutritional challenges facing the country.
Opinion | New Diet, New Destiny? Saving the Planet Takes More Than Changing What We Eat
Can changing our diet save the planet? When the EAT-Lancet Commission launched a new landmark report last month, it was widely interpreted as saying that forking down less red meat and more vegetables should ensure that we can provide nutritious food for 10 billion people while maintaining a healthy Earth.
Opinion | Digitization, Technology, and Farming—Who’s Got the Power?
Agriculture has always embraced technology, from ploughs to cell phones. Oliver Moore of Paris-based NGO, ARC 2020, discusses the digitization of agriculture and the power relations between corporates and agroecological farmers.
Opinion | Amid Growing Hunger and Obesity, the Right to Food Needs a New Approach for Sustainable Development
FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva explains the urgent need to reduce hunger and malnutrition across the globe as the human right to food becomes a growing priority.
Opinion | Investment in Agriculture and the Race to the Bottom
On-farm investment in agriculture has doubled over the past 20 years and as a result agricultural production has grown rapidly. But the bad news is that the key conditions that made these investments viable are deteriorating, and rapidly.
Opinion | Green New Deal Must Transform Our Food System to Save Our Climate
Yet studies show that we cannot avert climate chaos if we don’t support a rapid transition away from large-scale, chemical-intensive food production toward healthier and regenerative agriculture.
Opinion | SNAP: A Cry for Economic Justice
Access to affordable nutritious food is a basic human right, not a privilege. However, for nearly 1 out of 8 Americans, hunger is a reality—as evidenced by the food insecurity rates which have remained at around 12 percent over the past three decades.
Re: Response to Fred Haberman on Making Organic Mainstream
“I was dismayed to read the article ‘Making Organic Mainstream.’ I am one of a group of old-time organic farmers who have been battling against the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for allowing hydroponic, aquaponic, etc. to be certified ‘organic.'”
Opinion | The Climate Change Mitigation Potential of Organic Agriculture
Instead of investing billions of dollars in a model that doesn’t nourish communities or the environment, policymakers must redirect funds to incentivize organic and conservation agriculture — a far more effective approach to improving food security, environmental sustainability and human health.
Opinion | Fighting Food Waste to Curb Climate Change
When it comes to fighting climate change, we often overlook a significant source of heat-trapping gas emissions: food.
Opinion | New Campaign Launches to Change the Recipe for Foodservice
The Community Coalition for Real Meals wants to reorient the food business model away from “Big Food” and toward “Real Food”—food that supports producers, equity, and the environment.