Mike Lufkin strives to improve the local food system in Seattle and oversees King’s County’s Local Food Initiative and he will be at the Food Tank Summit in Seattle.
Small-Scale Farming
How Washington State is Helping to Grow the Next Generation of Farmers
Mia Gregerson, a State Representative for Washington State, discusses how youth will play a role in the next generation of farmers and policy makers.
“How can we make food policy more relevant to politicians?” Interview with Oregon’s Alexis Taylor
Director of the Oregon Department of Agriculture, Alexis Taylor, discusses the importance of youth in the food system, how individuals can help shape food policy, and her ties to agriculture and farming.
Farmer Friday: Aaron Williams on Generational Family Farms and Land Preservation
Farmer Friday’s Aaron Williams describes his gratitude toward Niman Ranch and the economic importance of supporting small local farmers.
Leveraging Big Data for Women in Agricultural Development
Women play a critical role in agricultural development around the world while facing significant barriers from gender inequality. Researchers at CGIAR are working to dismantle these barriers, using the Platform for Big Data in Agriculture to incorporate new tools for data collection and big data analytics.
New Australian Alliance Building Farmers Markets
The Farmers Market Alliance of New South Wales, Australia, is working to protect the reputation and integrity of Australian farmers markets and support local farmers and artisan producers.
The Future of Coffee Depends on You(th)
Farmers around the world are aging, and there are few young people prepared to take their place. Global food security will depend on cultivating the next generation of farmers.
Quality Meat from Quality Care: An Interview with Niman Ranch Farmer Randy Gadient
Randy Gadient, a Niman Rancher and hog farmer, explains why connecting with animals, involving more young farmers, and reviving small farms are key to changing the food system.
True Cost Accounting Can Positively Impact All Facets of U.S. Food System
Long-time organic farmer, Anne Schwartz talks about True Cost Accounting, and the positive social and environmental implications of integrating local, organic, and small-farms into food system policy.
Farmer Fridays: Scott Sibbel on Sustainable and Humane Farm Practices
Scott Sibbel, a Niman Ranch farmer, tells how sustainable, traditional, and humane farming techniques are transforming the U.S. food system.
Soil Carbon Sequestration Is a Solution to Climate Change
Tucker of Kiss the Ground shares the importance of soil carbon sequestration and soil health for the wellbeing of humanity and the environment.
Family Farms and Food System Transparency for Change
Roger Johnson tells the importance of supporting family farms and encouraging a more transparent food system to spark consumer engagement. He will be speaking at the Washington D.C. Food Tank Summit in February.
In West Africa, “Customers prefer the local guinea fowl”
Up to 80 percent of the agricultural GDP in developing countries comes from livestock. Farmers often raise indigenous breeds, managing herds both to maintain diversity and to support community livelihoods.
Baking Bread with Cassava Creates Resilience
Research organizations are working with local farmers and bakers to incorporate cassava flour into bread, with significant positive impacts for whole regions.
The U.N. General Assembly Officially Declares the Decade of Family Farming
The U.N. General Assembly passed a resolution aiming to ignite international efforts to support family farmers and their roles in developing hunger and poverty solutions.
Changing Women’s Lives in Ivory Coast
In West Africa where the percentage of women in poverty is growing, new technologies and crop varieties developed by the region’s leading researchers bring new opportunities for women and youths in terms of food and livelihood security.
More Investment in Small-Scale Agriculture Needed
A new report by international network More and Better provides an overview of global investments in agriculture, stating that more investment in sustainable small-scale agriculture in needed.
Square Roots: The Urban Farming Accelerator Feeding Brooklyn Year-Round
Square Roots is a high-tech indoor farming accelerator in the heart of Brooklyn, New York, working to ensure that city residents can source fresh, sustainable produce twelve months a year. In a major urban center like New York City, where fresh produce can be tough to find even in seasons of peak agricultural output, Square Roots is proving the potential of indoor, climate-controlled agriculture.