
“The farmer is literally hedging their bets” in Eastern and Southern Africa

Drought tolerant crops that deliver nutrition and income to farmers could bring more food security to the region. Dr. Moses Siambi from ICRISAT explains how relying on single, water-intensive crops during dry periods can be risky.

Opinion | New Diet, New Destiny? Saving the Planet Takes More Than Changing What We Eat

Can changing our diet save the planet? When the EAT-Lancet Commission launched a new landmark report last month, it was widely interpreted as saying that forking down less red meat and more vegetables should ensure that we can provide nutritious food for 10 billion people while maintaining a healthy Earth.

Can Measuring Evaporation Help Farmers Save Water?

Farmers often rely on rainfall estimates from radar stations to effectively manage their crops. But what if those estimates are wrong? Scientists from the University of Missouri are developing new weather models that account for evaporation in order to improve rainfall measurements.

The Water Economy: An Excerpt from Nourished Planet

Water is a basic human right and yet it is becoming increasingly scarce. The global water footprint, including water used for drinking, agriculture, and virtual water (water used to grow crops for international trade), is mismanaged and can lead to social conflict.

Mali Makes the Case for Sustainable Agriculture with SRI

An article about the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in Mali describes how this methodology helps farmers deal with climate change.

How Africa Can Use Its Traditional Knowledge

Indigenous knowledge expert Chika Ezeanya-Esiobu’s TEDGlobal talk explores traditional African knowledge and practices used by modern farmers, with exceptional results.

Thirst for Avocado Leaves Plantations Dry

United States avocado consumption has doubled in the last decade straining local environments in exporting regions such as Michoacán, Mexico, where a loss of forest cover and underground water reserves has increased their risk of fires.

First United Nations Ocean Conference: “We Can Still Make a Difference, If Action Is Taken Now”

Bringing together thousands of government represents, scientists and non-governmental organizations, the first-ever U.N. Ocean Conference calls on everyone to help protect the world’s oceans.

In India, Farmers Are Taking a Novel Approach to Drought Adaptation

The Doba Livelihood Program is helping Indian farmers adapt to climate change by linking indigenous knowledge with academic research.

Surviving the Drought with Jamaican Farmer Field Schools

Since winning the Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition’s YES! Competition last year, Shaneica Lester and Anne-Teresa Birthwright now run a knowledge transfer project for small-scale farmers in St. Elizabeth, Jamaica. Lester and Birthwright’s program, which focuses on irrigation conservation…

Earth Day Video Premiere: “There Will Come a Day”

Amanda Homi’s new Earth Day-themed music video exclusively premieres on Food Tank.

Announcing the Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition’s 2017 YES! Research Grant Competition

BCFN’s YES! Research Grant Competition supports sustainable research from young scientists.

An Overlooked Water Resource

Diana Donlon investigates an often overlooked and largely untapped resource available to even drought-stricken California.

FAO Highlights Increased Drought in Caribbean

The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization released a report on the impact of climate change on agriculture in the Caribbean region.

London’s GrowUp Box Explores the Potential of Aquaponics

Check out how the United Kingdom\’92s GrowUp Box combines aquaponics and vertical farming methods to sustain local restaurants.

England’s Paignton Zoo: Feeding Animals from the Ground Up

Check out why the Paignton Zoo, located in Devon, England, implements hydroponics to nourish its animals.

Five Questions with Tony Hillery, Founder of Harlem Grown

Food Tank spoke with Tony Hillery, the founder of Harlem Grown, about his organization\’92s mission to inspire youth to live healthy, ambitious lives.

Extinction on Your Plate?

See how the Center for Biological Diversity hopes its extinction facts labels will raise consumer awareness on the environmental impacts of eating meat.

Squid and Octopus Populations on the Rise

While most marine species\’92 populations are hitting all-time lows, cephalopod populations are booming.

Celebrating International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples 2016

The theme for International Day of the World\’92s Indigenous Peoples promotes maintaining indigenous knowledge around the world.

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