Changing lifestyles and a reliance on imported food is eroding traditional cuisine in Ghana. Through food across the continent, this Ghanaian chef is celebrating and preserving Africa’s culinary heritage, one yassa, maboke, or fonio jollof at a time.
Farmers Create the Ingredients to Reverse Climate Change
Food Tank asked our readers to share what innovations they find most exciting to deal with climate change on the farm. They responded with diverse examples from around the world.
Winners of Grow Ahead’s 2018 Scholarship Announced
The winners of the Foundation for New York’s Strongest micro-grant winners have been announced, recognizing innovative action against food waste in New York’s bid to be zero waste by 2030.
Mali Makes the Case for Sustainable Agriculture with SRI
An article about the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in Mali describes how this methodology helps farmers deal with climate change.
Can Organic Soil Help Mitigate Climate Change?
A new study comparing the carbon sequestering potential of organic soil vs. soil from conventional farming reveals that organic soil is able to store significantly larger amounts of carbon for longer. Can organic farming help combat climate change?
18 Organizations Promoting Regenerative Agriculture Around the Globe
Food Tank has created a list of 18 organizations dedicated to progressively improving agro-ecosystems and livelihoods all over the world.
Cultivate a Sustainable Future with Seeds & Chips Global Food Innovation Summit
The Seeds&Chips Global Food Innovation Summit is incorporating a new voice in the continued search for solutions to climate change and feeding the increasing population.
Food and Beverage Sector Aims to Turn Climate Goals into Reality
Ceres’ new food and beverage sector report commends leadings companies on climate goals, but calls for bold plans across the sector in sustainability, water conservation, and human rights security.
Fighting Climate Change on the Farm: Share Your Stories!
Agriculture is both a contributor and a potential solution to climate change. Tell Food Tank what ideas excite you!
How Climate Change is Impacting Vermont’s Maple Sugar Industry
Maple sugar is a vital part of the Vermont economy. But have unseasonably warm winters hurt the maple industry? We tap into the future of liquid gold in the green mountain state.
National Co+op Grocers Climate Collaborative Award Winners Announced
The National Co+op Grocers Climate Collaborative Award winners were announced Wednesday, recognized for their dedication to climate change mitigation throughout the food supply chain.
Jennifer Schmidt’s Passion for Agriculture is Inspiring Sustainable Practices
Jennifer Schmidt, a farmer and leader in the sustainable farming movement, spoke with Food Tank about a variety of issues facing the agricultural system, like climate change and diminishing opportunities for new farmers, and shared some solutions to these problems.
Sustainable Soil Initiatives Making an Impact
Soils are the foundation for sustainable agricultural development and a key component of the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals. These innovative soil initiatives are leading the way in sustainable soil management.
Op-Ed: The Future of Food
The food system cannot sustain prolonged impacts from climate change and unchecked population growth. Professor Sayed Azam-Ali shares his insights about creating a sustainable future for food through the generation of a long-lasting, nutritional food source.
18 Films about Food to Inspire, Outrage, and Mobilize
Food Tank has curated a list of provocative food and farming films sure to spur debate, inspire action, and illuminate pressing food system issues.
Soil Carbon Sequestration Is a Solution to Climate Change
Tucker of Kiss the Ground shares the importance of soil carbon sequestration and soil health for the wellbeing of humanity and the environment.
More Investment in Small-Scale Agriculture Needed
A new report by international network More and Better provides an overview of global investments in agriculture, stating that more investment in sustainable small-scale agriculture in needed.
Biodiversity for Resilience Against Natural Disasters
As climate shocks increase in frequency and intensity, agricultural biodiversity—the variety of species of plants, animals, and microorganisms used for agriculture and food production—is an increasingly important part of resilience building.
2017 Round of Global Climate Change Talks Sees First-Ever Progress on Agriculture
For the first time in the 25-year history of international climate negotiations, the 197 member countries of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) have reached an agreement on agriculture. The milestone came near the close of the 23rd Conference of Parties (COP23) of the UNFCCC and formally establishes a process called the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture.
Future-Focused Policies Target Desertification
This year’s Future Policy Award, a joint initiative between the World Future Council and U.N. Convention on Combating Desertification, is honoring the world’s best policy solutions combating desertification and land degradation.