The world’s largest chocolate company sets the standard for corporate sustainability in food, targeting 100-percent sustainably-sourced cocoa.
Small-Scale Farming
Gardens are emblems of resistance: Interview with Slow Food International Vice President
Mukiibi: “Local food traditions are very important in ensuring sustainable diets and creating resilience to climate change in many different communities.”
Tapping into Ancient Strains to Bring Heat-Tolerant Wheat to Senegal
A group of scientists won the 2017 Olam Prize for Innovation in Food Security for applying advanced breeding techniques to strains of primitive and modern wheat to develop a set of durum wheat varieties that can not only withstand constant 35 to 40 degree Celsius (95 to 104 degree Fahrenheit) heat, but also grow remarkably fast, in only 92 days.
Webinar: The Human Face of Trade and Food Security
The report examines the evolution of agricultural markets, global trade, and value chains and how smallholder farmers interact with the food system. Webinar will include a panel discussion of the report.
India’s Public Stockholding: “Much more than a welfare program”
India’s food security and stockholding program uses precisely the same policies that the U.S. used in its early farm policy coming out of the Great Depression. Exactly the same: price supports, food reserves, administered markets, subsidies. The U.S. government used them because they work. India and other countries should be allowed to use them, too. Because they work.
Food Fight: the Battle Over Sri Lankan Food Production
Once known as ‘the granary of the East’, Sri Lanka’s food production has suffered over recent decades, with civil war, natural disaster, and failed policy all contributing to a fall in domestic food production and a rise in imports. In 2016, Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena published an ambitious three-year agricultural plan to build a ‘toxin-free nation.’ The plan reimagines the country’s agricultural future based on the principles of agroecology: an approach which prioritizes sustainable and people-centered practices over corporate profit.
Julie Kunen Discusses the Food Revolution in the Amazon
The Rainforest to Table initiative is shaking up the world of conservation. Learn how chefs, conservationists, and communities across Latin America are working together to tackle the biggest problems in our food system.
How Africa Can Use Its Traditional Knowledge
Indigenous knowledge expert Chika Ezeanya-Esiobu’s TEDGlobal talk explores traditional African knowledge and practices used by modern farmers, with exceptional results.
Zambian Farmers Outline “Potential agriculture holds to reduce poverty and hunger”
Zambian farmers outline “potential agriculture holds to reduce poverty and hunger, contribute to vibrant, self-sustaining communities and dramatically increase the food needed to feeding a growing population.”
This Company is Using Food to Preserve Food and Fight Food Waste
Apeel Sciences have developed Edipeel, an invisible peel made from plant material which dramatically slows the rate of produce spoil and providing benefits to growers, distributors, and consumers.
Sundari Kraft: “People eat more veggies when they take part in gardening”
How Sundari Kraft is changing the Denver food system and cleaning up food swamps through education, grassroots movement building, and policy change.
FAO Highlights Rural-Urban Connections to Reduce Hunger
The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization have just released the 2017 State of Food and Agriculture report. Connecting rural areas with surrounding cities and towns will create more sustainable food systems and help alleviate rural poverty, the report argues.
Women-Led Sustainable Farming Model Wins United Nations Equator Prize
The United Nations 2017 Equator Prize has been awarded to 15 local and indigenous communities across Africa, Asia, and Latin America, including Swayam Shikshan Prayog from India for its unique women-led sustainable farming model.
Sowing the Seeds for Agriprenurship in Northwest Cambodia
Focus-group discussions with secondary school students sowing the seeds for sustainable agriculture and rural entrepreneurship in Northwest Cambodia
Family Farms Will Feed Farm Aid Concert
Farm Aid’s concert food will “reflect an authentic representation of Western Pennsylvania’s food culture” to connect farmers and eaters and promote family farming.
Justin Kamine: “Society needs to move toward the notion of a circular economy”
Justin Kamine, Co-Founder and Partner of KDC Ag, believes looking to nature to form large scale infrastructure solutions is the quickest and most effective way eliminate food waste.
Loren Cardeli: “Agriculture got us here, and agriculture can also save us”
Loren Cardeli, Founder and President of A Growing Culture (AGC), has worked closely with smallholder farmers around the world and helps consumers to reevaluate how their relationships with farmers.
Tuning in to Farmers’ Water Needs: Radio broadcasts aid Malawi irrigation efforts
Farm Radio Trust’s is organizing farmer “listening groups” and developing local radio broadcasts on agricultural development issues in Malawi, a country in East Africa.
Remembering Sam Dryden: Global Leader in Food Security and Agricultural Development
Global food security and agricultural development leader and advocate Sam Dryden has passed away at age 67.